"I miss you"

Draak's picture
Another emo Cirrus picture |D;

This time I was trying out a new art program called SAI, I'm still unsure of where everything was in it so I had to make do with trying things out XD.

She misses Lorak alot, you can't really blame her because he was her first friend And she grew to love him too XD

She's wearing the Crying Mask actually, but I made it not bloody because..well she's not bleeding. In the forest I just see it on her as tear stained cheeks.
Seele's picture

Looks like an intresting

Looks like an intresting program, love the results too ^^ Daw, she's so sad! *nuzzles her* Those feathers really caught my attention, what a lovely shade of green! XD

--Stays a lonely Seele
Shulgalaj's picture

What a nice picture... the

What a nice picture... the face is so full of expression! You made a good job. ^^

Feed Me!
Draak's picture

Misako: It is, it's got some

It is, it's got some things in it that Photoshop doesnt have (like this "water" tool which makes things blend interestingly, I used that on the white and black edges)
Cirrus: *nuzzhug*
8D Nuzzle hug xDDD
Yeah? I didnt actually use the proper green xD they're supposed to be saturated..wait..desaturated? x_X. I thought that because she's been sad lately her feathers have lost their luster :B. But yeah it's a nice shade of green o:

Thanks Laughing out loud


DraakxMitra C:
Fenqua's picture

Personally I think she looks

Personally I think she looks better with this than the skull mask, but that's just an opinion Sticking out tongue

She is so lovely, her feathers are like a crown! But if you want them to look a bit.. dead, than you should make them hanging a bit, maybe with a few pieces torn out?

That art program seems really cool ;D

To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul

To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul

That's not bad for a first

That's not bad for a first time with Sai. You should have seen my first time with it... *shivers* anyways, now it's the only program I will use. Even bought the license for it so I can use it FOREVER, lol... $54 I'm glad I spent, lol..

Anyways, yeah that is very good. I really like how the tears and tear stains came out.

Though if you'd like any pointers with the program I'd be glad to help out as best I can. Do you have it in Japanese or English format? Either way I know where everything is placed, lol... After a year+ of using it I should...

Draak's picture

Avani: Yeah XD I actually

Yeah XD I actually like her without the skull mask too, (she actually doesnt like it |D). It's a family thing XD.
Hey yeah...I could do that too...I might do that in future arts until Dannii comes back (with Lorak xD *shotd*)

It is xD I love some of the effects you can get Laughing out loud

Laughing out loud Thanks. xD if I can get my neck around some of the tools and such I might consider getting it...XD

That was a partial fluke XD. I was first trying the tear stain colours/shades in iScribble then yeah.

English, ooh...uuuh actually I have two off the top of my head...
Is there dodge and burn for the brushes?
Is there a way of selecting and then able to resize something?

DraakxMitra C:

Uh.. I know there is a way

Uh.. I know there is a way to dodge and burn in SAI, but I can't for the life of me remember how... never used those commands before, but I read it in a tutorial... that I can't find now...

As for resizing, yeah. Select the selection tool of choice and when you've selected what you want to shape/resize click on the box selection tool icon and it will have the options needed for you to resize it how you wish. To flip something however or to resize the whole image you will have to use menu commands. Flipping/layer commands are in Layer (L) and resizing is in Canvas (c)

One thing that I use all the time is the layer clipping tool... it makes coloring easier. But I'm having problems finding the tutorial that I saw for that on dA... Anyways, when you make a layer and draw something on it clip a layer above it and see what happens when you draw on that layer.
The clip option is over the layers part between Persevere Opacity and Selection source.

Draak's picture

Oh ok xD. I usually change

Oh ok xD. I usually change the brush modes in Photoshop but yeah.

Ah ok, I'll try that next time I use it, if I need to. I needed to in this XD because I somehow WITH preliminary guidelines drew the lineart too small XD.

Oh yeah, I do that too in Photoshop sometimes, it acts similar to the locked pixels option. But I havent messed around with clipping a whole lot.

Thanks for that Laughing out loud


DraakxMitra C:
Fenqua's picture

Lorak won't be coming back I

Lorak won't be coming back I think. I'm not hoping for it, even though it would be great if he did..

To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul

To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul
Pegasicorn's picture

The ninja will not have his

The ninja will not have his apprentice being depressed. He'll mask spam her if he must! ...yes. ^^;

The Dragonfly Deer's Biography
Flyra's picture

Wow... your coloring

Wow... your coloring rocks... and this picture is so touching... gorgeous <33 Smiling

f l y r a b l o g avatar by tinkee, sig by Quamar
Draak's picture

Avani: I'm not sure

I'm not sure either...I know Dannii hinted of his return in one of her random Hi journals. But who knows, we have to wait and see.

xDDD She's more happier when she's with friends. She appreciated Kinsha's company yesterday c: They take her out of her slump, and she cant think of sad thoughts like she does when she's alone.

X3 Thankies! Laughing out loud


DraakxMitra C: