Quite annoyedd... I thought I took loads of screenies earlier when I was in the Forest. I was played as Nar for the most of it, he was with a stag and who I think was a deer? We were walking around the Forest for quite a while... Went to the pond, went tooooo the playground and sat on the rocks for a while. Ran around a bit.. Usual stuff really but it was nice XDD Nar really liked the two deer and I was just wondering if anyone else knew if it was, well you

I wish my screenshots folder thingy wasn't empty.. >:(
But anyway, I had a good day in the Forest today

Thankssss to those two deer; hopefully I'll learn who you are soon

There should be a button at
And now I feeeeeeeeeeeel...
Thankyouu (: xx
Meet Quilha | Meet Nar | Meet Natasha
Meet Quilha | Meet Nar | Meet Byrd
And now I feeeeeeeel... Dumb
Thankyouu (: xx
Meet Quilha | Meet Nar | Meet Byrd
No problem ;D