MeowOreos's picture
i keep trying to log into TEF and it says Login success! but at the top of that it says PLEASE WAIT and i see no names at the bottom plus my dot is orange. my internet is good too. i can also see how many players are on but i don't see them.
Aivilo's picture

Sounds like your pictos just

Sounds like your pictos just haven't spread yet. Most people are having trouble getting full connections at the moment, even if their internet connection/speed are great, so don't worry too much.
Sometimes you just have to wait a while for the pictos to spread (meaning for the players to load). It can help if you turn down the number of players your game displays in your settings, then gradually move the slider up once the smaller amount of players has loaded. Also make sure you're waiting at least 5 minutes. Stubborn connections can take 5 minutes or even longer before the pictos will spread.