I am babysitting, okay?

Thais's picture

Thais and her awesome babysitting skills.

Decided to draw this after having a funny chat with Tuoho yesterday.
I don't have any skills to draw fawns, oh god. But it was fun making this, hopefully I will get better with practice xD

The doe is my Thais, the fawn on top of her is Lohtu and the fawn on her legs is Prita (:

ps.: No fire nearby feathers, they tend to burn easily, haha.
Hope you enjoy!!
Starling's picture

I love your style :3

I love your style :3
Thais's picture

why thank you!

why thank you!
Display pic by crabbycrown ♥
Sighthoundlady's picture

Awwwww! This is just too

Awwwww! This is just too sweet, how adorable both Lohtu and Prita look here, they all look so precious wrapped up together like that too. Very nice anatomy, sleeping/sitting deer are not easy to draw, you’ve done great. Thank you so much for drawing Prita. She’s really getting attached to Thais now too, loves to snuggle up with her. Thais is an excellent babysitter!
Tuo's picture



Such pretty arts on my screen right now omg! ;___; I am sitting here, giving a stupid grin to my computer and going all 'daawwwwww'. I love how L just sitting on top of her like a king.
Goddamn you and your art skills, stop jumping out from bushes! .... Sheesh I can't get my eyes off of it. ;_; ♥ Lohtu will definitely pull out ALL of those feathers now when she killed his small candles. WHO'S GOING TO LIGHT THEM AGAIN HUH? The gods? I don't thik so. B| Thais will have to rub two sticks together as long as she'll create fire and light up L's candles. Or else.

Thank you so much for this precious art! I can swear to you, it saved my evening for good! &hearts: ;u;

edit; I don't usually link any gifs anywhere, except on rare occations, so here!

Thais's picture

@Sighthoundlady Ahh thank

@Sighthoundlady Ahh thank you, Im glad you liked this! I started drawing it yesterday (when I was brain dead) when Thais and Prita were sitting together. Had problems with sizes, but hopefully Prita is not like a mouse near Thais. Or is she...

btw Thais is learning how to babysit with professor Verve, really xD

@Tuoho LOL I WAS NINJA'D. It is all your fault for making Lohtu so cute over her back. BUT THOSE CANDLES ARE A NO NO. Now lets sit together to make a fire with a stick ;_; (I really thought teh gods could make some fire... we could pray. xD

and omg, those gifs are... pfft I laughed so much here. Glad you liked it <3
Display pic by crabbycrown ♥
Sighthoundlady's picture

Aww, that’s so sweet, thank

Aww, that’s so sweet, thank you. It really did brighten my morning too seeing this. And I think the sizes are great! I guess I’ve never stipulated her size have I? Uh…she’s the size she is in forest? Haha, all I’ll say is I guess I like playing small characters.

Professor Verve? ROFL! So many expert babysitters around. <3
Poppyflower's picture

(No subject)

Profile picture by ahimsa ♥

Pixel Wis by squeegie~
keepspeeps's picture

Yes, I love your style also.

Yes, I love your style also. Thank you for sharing with us. I hope to see more from you.
Su-mi and Kurami were also babysitting yesterday, practicing being godparents. It was adorable.
Keeps loves Fay.
Thais's picture

@Sighthoundlady nah, my

@Sighthoundlady nah, my problem is that I tend to make fat does and very tiny fawns haha

@Poppyflower <3

@Keepspeeps thank you for the kind words. I know they will be good at it! (:
Display pic by crabbycrown ♥