{The Dam} An indulgent and unstable being; troublesome shrew; bitter hag
Narcissism and obsession taint her moral fiber
A "love' so unmotherly and impure
She sought to keep the babe under her thumb…
a malleable mass of ignorance and innocence Time can stand still for none…
That saccharine act fools none..
The babe grew alongside his awareness
She found she could not keep him tamed forever.
He grew bitter, frustrated and distant.
All too soon, she was abandoned once more.
.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ {The Sire} A wandering Lothario with a ravenous libido… satyr among nymphs
Little is known about the stag ------------------------------------------------------------------------ {The Son} He speaks... Baxter A mangy cur, disheveled urchin…wild prince of the swamp
Dhudhwa is a prickly lackadaisical thing; a hidden temper of a feral
tom housed under the stamina of a slumbering ursine.
Childhood repression has leaked until adulthood, leading him to habitually
seek isolation, particularly among the familiar rushes of water…
Avians were his brothers and friends; feathered pests circling the beaming
sphere in the expanse above-vultures to the ticks and fleas immersed in
his sparse pelt. His relations were never ‘healthy’ often lending themselves to
symbiotic or obsessive bonds
Forever the mooncalf, he allows his conscious to slip beneath the surface
and dull his senses. His world is often muted-like sound traveling through
murky water; colors and shapes are often distorted.
He finds little that truly unnerves him, motivates him to shrink down in fear..
The babes of now make little sense to him.
He does not hate or wish ill of them,
but is rather indifferent to their nonsense.
He cannot grasp the concept of speaking to
them as children should be spoken to.
Fermented berries and poppies have become his vice
His mannerisms can seem quite foreign falling between the meridian of canine
and feline; he is not above an ecstatic roll in the grass or indulgent scratch behind the ear
Dhudhwa possess very little social etiquette; this handicap often leads him to speaking
rather crudely and frankly. To put it simply, he comes off as an ass, though it is rarely
his intent.
He is generally not a violent individual, but once his ire is roused he may
lash out and is typically unapologetic about it. His anger dissipates rather
quickly-gone like a flash..
For all his gruffnes, he is not immune to playful, rowdy bouts.
What would we do to them? XB Pelt them with berries?
Nine's a similar opposite of Bylah, too.. but his relationship with Dhuds is decidedly MUCH nicer and more mutual(and probably preferred lol sjkdfs). Eeee.. Nine is a happy munchkin. X3
Aaha.. barefeet.. not to mention their intoxicating eating habits. c:
*clings tighter and dozes off against him* .... .. &hearts
Bad influence is bad. P:
I have a feeling Bylah and Wesker may eventually break Nine of his little mushroom trips. They get quite peeved with him when he has them..
(this is very random, but did you know his hair isn't naturally red.. ? It's a henna to hide the stark white of his albinism. He also has poor vision due to the same trait. P: Yay, fun facts.)
*mumbles, also, and noses his face into Dhud's shoulder* ... I can make sleeping emotes all day~ if you wanna stop, you can. XD;
They don't have to know. (Now who's a bad influence?)
Dhud can be his guide-deer. Even though he does serpentine a bit. "Balance disorder my aunt Fannie."
( I do remember reading about the myopia with albinism. Didn't know there were different types and subtypes either.)
Shh, nobody's a bad influence here.. > u>;
Oh, he can see well enough to get around, but that's appreciated. Luckily, he doesn't move around much unless he's in the mood for play and nonsense. Mm. c:
(Yesyes~ I've been doing more reading recently than I had before- mostly collecting photo references for skintone and whatnot. )
Got it, Ixnay of adbay fluence..inay?..whatever. Hush,hush.
I forgot Dhud has the bad eye, like looking through cloudy glass. Not a very good trait in a guide.
They got a good thing going. Veg out, fall asleep, frolick and repeat.
( I find albinism and pigmentary disorders and such fascinating though. And scars. It's weird.)
o-fay ourse-cay. > >;
Oh, yeah, you're right.. XD Don't let those two loose in a room full of glass sculptures!
Ffff, gotta burn the energy stored from sleeping? XD At least they're happy~
And nono, it's not weird at all. c: I have a fascination with hairless animals.. and albinism.. among other things. I also have a number of characters with some sort of mental disorder(whether I know exactly what their problem is or not, most of them have SOMETHING wrong with them)..
*fidgets a little more and "burrows" up under Dhuds in his sleep, wedging himself comfortably* .. mn.
Dhud would pick up Nine and flee. Let someone else take the fall.
*gasps* I love nudies! My friends laugh when I mention wanting a Peterbald and say it's ugly. ( I have allergies. My mom just says to get an epi-pen but I think that's because she wants to stick me wth it. They're not that severe. -_-)
Fff, as if an albino and half-blind running out the door weren't obvious enough? XD
Nowai! :OO
I've always wanted a Chinese Crestedsdssdj. They look like.. glam rockers.
Peterbalds are gorgeous. c: There's something particularly charming about wrinkles on a kitty~
Eehehee, I know, right? c':
I wanted a hairless rat at one point.. but they're a little more difficult to care for than the others.. more claw-trimming for sure..
*blinks and tilts his head to the side, resting his cheek on him* Hm? Pushy.. ?
(insert petty demand for Binta-arts to be shown, here. XD)
Can't say I have ever though about a hedgehog being spikeless.
He's just a little reserved. Much more loose around Nine when they're alone, but he always tries to mind personal space with deer he doesn't know or has just met.
( Never mind, crisis averted. I'll probably be done sooner than I thought. It's goign to feature Nine a bit more than Dhud, but he'll still be in there. I'll actually be done with it sooner than I thought.)
(WOO. I can't wait to see, raaghrrhga, loveyouart >C)
Mnn, I hope you don't mind.. Wesker's been bothering me about time alone- I haven't seen him in a good while.. *nuzzleattack* I'm sorry, I'll be back soon.. &hearts ; ;
Ah, just as I thought~
{Click to view Nine's bio}
{Click to view Nine's bio}
*warily eyes the shadows* "I
"I see you there."
<333{Click to view Nine's
{Click to view Nine's bio}
{Click to view Nine's bio}
*wriggle, buries face
{Click to view Nine's bio}
{Click to view Nine's bio}
*holds on tight* I'll always
(Off topic: I'm working on a Dhud+Nine sleepy time picture. Do you mind me posting?)
(~Oh, I don't mind at all,
*nuzzles into* Oh, I know.. how've you been, Dhuddy~? &hearts
{Click to view Nine's bio}
{Click to view Nine's bio}
=D Shooby. Prepare for the
*blinks slowly* "Tired, a little hungover. The usual. You catch up with old friends?"
Uber tall berry patch is uber tall.
*straps on safety gear* I'm
.. LOL, Nine's practically buried in them.. I had to turn my detail down to get a cozy spot, hurhur. P:
*smiles and nods* Oh, of course.. I was everywhere, though, so I'm a little tired as well.. next time, will you play with me, too? *small yawn..*
{Click to view Nine's bio}
{Click to view Nine's bio}
*rubs hands
Good camoflague though.
" Yeah, yeah....Don't even have to ask.* sleepily smiles*
Ohmy.. Would be even better
Would be even better if they were blue and green! Blueberry stealth! XO
*smiles back and nestles against, sleepyface* Thank you.. so much..
Narghrhgrahgr, whyaretheysocute. :c
{Click to view Nine's bio}
{Click to view Nine's bio}
We could ambush the
*pulls against self*" Mmhm."
Opposites? Kind of like a Buddy cop team. Although they bond over sleeping and not wearing shoes.
What would we do to them? XB
Nine's a similar opposite of Bylah, too.. but his relationship with Dhuds is decidedly MUCH nicer and more mutual(and probably preferred lol sjkdfs). Eeee.. Nine is a happy munchkin. X3
Aaha.. barefeet.. not to mention their intoxicating eating habits. c:
*clings tighter and dozes off against him* .... .. &hearts
{Click to view Nine's bio}
{Click to view Nine's bio}
Hey, berries stain. It
Well, Dhud probably indulges Nine much more, participates in his shenanigans. Bad influence.
*nuzzles hair, sleepy mumble*
Bad influence is bad. P: I
I have a feeling Bylah and Wesker may eventually break Nine of his little mushroom trips. They get quite peeved with him when he has them..
(this is very random, but did you know his hair isn't naturally red.. ? It's a henna to hide the stark white of his albinism. He also has poor vision due to the same trait. P: Yay, fun facts.)
*mumbles, also, and noses his face into Dhud's shoulder* ...
I can make sleeping emotes all day~ if you wanna stop, you can. XD;
{Click to view Nine's bio}
{Click to view Nine's bio}
They don't have to know.
Dhud can be his guide-deer. Even though he does serpentine a bit. "Balance disorder my aunt Fannie."
( I do remember reading about the myopia with albinism. Didn't know there were different types and subtypes either.)
*sleepynonsensegrowlsnarl*..I'm a...bear.
Shh, nobody's a bad
Oh, he can see well enough to get around, but that's appreciated.
(Yesyes~ I've been doing more reading recently than I had before- mostly collecting photo references for skintone and whatnot.
.. nnhn.. ? *fidgets and cuddles closer*
{Click to view Nine's bio}
{Click to view Nine's bio}
Got it, Ixnay of adbay
I forgot Dhud has the bad eye, like looking through cloudy glass. Not a very good trait in a guide.
They got a good thing going. Veg out, fall asleep, frolick and repeat.
( I find albinism and pigmentary disorders and such fascinating though. And scars. It's weird.)
*frowns at all the racket and buries head*
o-fay ourse-cay. > >; Oh,
Oh, yeah, you're right.. XD Don't let those two loose in a room full of glass sculptures!
Ffff, gotta burn the energy stored from sleeping? XD At least they're happy~
And nono, it's not weird at all. c: I have a fascination with hairless animals.. and albinism.. among other things. I also have a number of characters with some sort of mental disorder(whether I know exactly what their problem is or not, most of them have SOMETHING wrong with them)..
*fidgets a little more and "burrows" up under Dhuds in his sleep, wedging himself comfortably* .. mn.
{Click to view Nine's bio}
{Click to view Nine's bio}
Dhud would pick up Nine and
*gasps* I love nudies! My friends laugh when I mention wanting a Peterbald and say it's ugly. ( I have allergies. My mom just says to get an epi-pen but I think that's because she wants to stick me wth it. They're not that severe. -_-)
Fff, as if an albino and
Nowai! :OO
I've always wanted a Chinese Crestedsdssdj. They look like.. glam rockers.
Peterbalds are gorgeous. c: There's something particularly charming about wrinkles on a kitty~
*smilenuzzle* ... nnh.. ?
{Click to view Nine's bio}
{Click to view Nine's bio}
Nice to meet you. :3 (the
(the orcadoe your playing with right now.)
They can't prove anything.
Cresteds are adorable with their little boots and mop heads. I find it kind of cute that hairless dogs can get they can get acne and moles.
* secretly gushes, still serious faced*Pushy little thing..
=) I've seen you around
I've seen you around before, never really had much of a chance to interact. Glad we met.
True, true.. |D Eehehee, I
Eehehee, I know, right? c':
I wanted a hairless rat at one point.. but they're a little more difficult to care for than the others.. more claw-trimming for sure..
*blinks and tilts his head to the side, resting his cheek on him* Hm? Pushy.. ?
{Click to view Nine's bio}
{Click to view Nine's bio}
I love skinny pigs, if just
*looks down with heavy lids* "A mite pushy when you want someone to play with you. *light yawn* It's cute, though."
*working like a dog on sleepytimecuddlypicture*
(OHP. Forgive me, I dunno
BIG HEAD CAVEY. Is big. fff. and wrinkles.
*frown* I don't mean to be.. *stretches a little and clings to his middle* Nn, I feel lazy.. - - I blame you.. &hearts
{Click to view Nine's bio}
{Click to view Nine's bio}
( I'm obsessed with getting
It looks heavy.
*scoffs* "I told you it's cute, didn't I?..ugh.. fine...persistent?" *ignores being blamed*
I dunno much about hairless
psst, you don't have to act shy to lay with Tally and 9, they aren't ''together'' or anything. XD
Ffffffnfnff.. ; ; I'm sure
Ah- what's going on with Tally and Dhuds? I look to my screen and he's all
(? D:Lalalala~ I'm slow. c':
Ah- oh.. *snicker, blush-fit* Nn, persistent works.. !~ *nuzzles into, again, for lack of anything better to do* x3
I.. I had the best idea everrrr, gotta draw it sometime soon xkjdfg
{Click to view Nine's bio}
{Click to view Nine's bio}
Can't say I have ever though
He's just a little reserved. Much more loose around Nine when they're alone, but he always tries to mind personal space with deer he doesn't know or has just met.
Oh thats ok then.
reallySick/veryTired/going to bed Now. Bye you two. <333
Night, luv! 8D
{Click to view Nine's bio}
{Click to view Nine's bio}
(I have a problem. It has to
*shakes head and keeps quiet* ...*mumbles*
*is nosey and tries to peak*
(off topic: Doppelganger!)
He likes Tally just fine.
Nighty, night.
(I believe you, though I'm
*settles back down and closes his eyes, content* Hmm~
*obscures view with kibble-dance* > >
{Click to view Nine's bio}
{Click to view Nine's bio}
( I made him look womanly
*confused at rucus* *rolls over*
*entranced by strange ritual*
( It died. The game crashed on me while you're were asleep and then there were two.)
(ffffff. x u x; ) I think..
I think.. I think that was Redkora? Even more giddy than myself, heehe~ *flops on and yawns* Nng. ~ ~
I THINK. IT'S ADORABLE. *corgidance*
(We don't need two Dhudhwa's dkjsd LOL- Nine wouldn't mind, though. :c He loevs his Dhuddy.)
{Click to view Nine's bio}
{Click to view Nine's bio}
( Never mind, crisis
*mumbles* Good Lord...
It reminded me of bunny binkies.
(There can be only one!)
(WOO. :O I can't wait to
Mnn, I hope you don't mind.. Wesker's been bothering me about time alone- I haven't seen him in a good while.. *nuzzleattack* I'm sorry, I'll be back soon.. &hearts ; ;
nngngfff, yessss.. *owned by two rabbits~*
(Thank goodness! XD *pets dismayed Nine*)
{Click to view Nine's bio}
{Click to view Nine's bio}
(mua-ah) "You know where
"You know where I'll be."
I thought it was some kind of seizure when I first saw it.
(Fear not my Nugget. )
(<3<3333*heartspam*) *cheerfu
*cheerful smile* I know.. thank you.. &hearts
Sorry for such a late reply, I'm failing at multitasking. XD
(Oh, ffff, he'll live. x) He's nonetheless happy with one~)
{Click to view Nine's bio}
{Click to view Nine's bio}
(Susprisingly Nine has been
(Two Dhuds means twice the grump and intoxication.)
(That makes no sense, Binta
-- I don't intend to sleep for a long while.. XD
(I thought that's what we loved about him? ;D)
{Click to view Nine's bio}
{Click to view Nine's bio}
( I think it's the position
You or Nine?
(But do we really need two? They'd be insufferable.)
Myself. c: I'm sleepy, but
I haven't drawn anything worth looking at on paper in a long time.. I devote a lot of time to digital work, these days..
Ffff, is it any worse than two Nines?
{Click to view Nine's bio}
{Click to view Nine's bio}
I've been up for about 18
I missed it last week. Take that ailing body.
Paper's a pain in the ass anyway.
Nine is adorabable though.
I've met this fellow before!
Yeah, I remeber you. By the
Ahaha, you poofed before I
*flings love at*
{Click to view Nine's bio}
{Click to view Nine's bio}