January 22, 2011 - 12:23am — hmarmstrong
I was jus a wonderin what you guys were all up to because I haven't been on in a while. I've been real busy with work in stuff, but I wanna hear what you guys's storys are, besides, i did see some really cool pictures on the front page. How do yu do edits like that, because, its pretty impressive. It probably take me weeks to do one picture with those fantastic edits! I'm just sayin, that's really sometin ya'll are doin there. Just wanted to say hi, oh, and keep up the fantastic ART, because it's AMAZING!!
I don't know you [im sort of
I know, the art on this site
Thanks guys, anyways, sence
Around here? Well, hm, let's
A few days after I joined in October, there was a pretty much a Halloween party going on all the time in the Forest (I got to see the Big Zombie Deer--although I only saw him awake once! I think he's narcoleptic.
Recently the TEF community celebrated New Year's Eve/Day in Forest with the Festival of Lights, organized by Io Rez. I took some pics of the Festival, here!
There have also been several mini, random Abiogeneses (I saw one from a distance just before it ended, and haven't been lucky enough to catch any of the others.)
Otherwise, not too much, I think--just new members and art and stories and such.
Edit: Oh, and there's going to be a Valentine's Day Ball in February!
I've been hearing about Feral Heart, but have never played it and don't really know what it is...
(And hmmm...I was never up at 5 in the morning, either! Strange. xD)
Yah, but, I didn't know that
btw, I think that you were really lucky to even see the zombie deer up and awake even once, but you're also lucky that you were ready for the holoween party, its my favorite. Anyways, my sister got a hamster for christmas and named it Bell. IT's so ADORABLE when it cleans the top of its head. I just love the little thing!Its dang cutecutecute. (oh, and sorry if I'm random about things) About the 5:00 in the mornin thing, it just said that you posted the comment at 5:56am so I got a little confused, maybe I should've noticed the pm instead of thinkin it was am, (soorry about that)
[me still likes your deery+hugggs)
Hmmm. I believe Splinters
I know someone took a video of one of the mini-abio's...here it is!
And hamsters are the cutest things ever! The second pet I ever got was a hamster that I named Pikachu (Peekers for short). Then I had a hamster named Matthias (don't ask...I like unusual names), and another named Rose.
When we roared at new years,
Things are quiet and peaceful. Glad you've come back.
I don't strive to be the best, but instead I strive to do my best, and always give it my all every time.
Anjeli@ I never knew that
eyestrain@Thats funny. I can't imagine a deer blowing bubbles LOL. Any other funny stuff that you gotta say because I'm into comedy right at this moment. LOL
Yeah, in the pictures of the
I'm sorry to hear about your dog. My dad has two dogs--a black lab and a yellow lab--that live at the house; they're very sweet--actually, one is sweet and the other one is sassy!
I'm also sorry to hear about
I'm also sorry to hear about your dog... I lost mine last fall. She was one of my best friends.
Here, these things make me laugh.
lame pun coon
Don Hertzfeldt (slightly disgusting humor)
orchestra fail
Steven Segal doesn't understand widescreen
I don't strive to be the best, but instead I strive to do my best, and always give it my all every time.
Anjali@ Yah, losin a buddy
eyestrain@ Why exactly did you put that particular pic. in your comment? I jus was curious because Its quite large, didn't really think it was a sig. pic. Thats sad that you lost your dog too. What kind of dog was it, for one thing, I know that its cute because dogs are always cute(except for the hairless ones). All those links were halarious, ESPECIALLY the kitty one. I really like cats but sometimes they can be evil...yah..I'm better off with a dog because I can have a better connection with them. I also have great connections with horses. My grandma has two horses on her ranch and I ride one named Quin. He's the sweetest thing, does anythin to please you. The other one's name is Candy. She's an alfa mare so she's not as nice, bit controlling and hard to ride, but once you're used to her personality she obeys yu.
If you look in that picture,
Our dog Roxy was a german shepherd. She was a very large, beautiful dog.
I'm glad you have animals in your life. They make everything a little better, don't they.
I don't strive to be the best, but instead I strive to do my best, and always give it my all every time.
Animals are coolness....
~Rihame's Bio~
I know....srry haven't been