How to get rid of sore throat?

BluedeerLegend18's picture
Okay, I have the most horrible Sore Throat ever.

Well, it's not as bad as Strep Throat, but similar. when I talk it hurts, food and water doesn't really help (and it usually does temporarily fix the pain), and it is so bad.

Do you guys have any tips for getting rid of a sore throat? I can't take it any longer, I've had it for a week.

- Drink lots of water and

- Drink lots of water and keep eating even if it's just soups and things like that.
- Take some medicine specifically for the symptoms you've got (you can check with a pharmacist if you're unsure, tell them what you've got and they should be able to point something out that will help).
- Try a mixture of warm ginger tea with a tablespoon of honey. Stir the honey in while the tea is still very hot until it dissolves. Make sure you drink the tea when it is warm!
- If after a few more days you are still just as sick, it might be worth checking with a doctor or visiting a walk-in clinic just to make sure you don't have something more serious (like an infection).

edti: Pff can't believe I forgot to add this in: I hope you feel better soon! lol Sore throats suck! :C
Chickenwhite's picture

1: painkillers. 2: camomile

1: painkillers.
2: camomile tea. It's got a natural soothing chemical in it which dulls the pain.
3: Wear a scarf
4: ???
5: profit!

No joke, though, tea, painkillers and warm clothing helps. Also try and really spoil yourself, feeling good has a mentally stimulated healing effect on the body.

Oh, and if symptoms persist I suggest getting your tonsils checked...

-Gargle warm salt

-Gargle warm salt water
-Drink lots of fluids. You don't want to get dehydrated!
-Try a humidifier/vaporizer
-Take decongestants (Tylenol, Advil, Motrin...)
-Warm tea and honey helps to!
-And get some rest, hope you feel better soon!!
BluedeerLegend18's picture

Thank you guys, I'll try all

Thank you guys, I'll try all of these. Thing is I'm at my mother's house and all we have right now that would help are cough drops, medicine, food and water, and hot shower. But I have a bunch of other stuff at my other house, so I'll try all of this and see if it helps.

I was thinking about getting my tonsils checked, but I know I only need to get them removed if they are extremely scarred. I do know I get sore throats a lot, though...
I have a Master's degree in Wumbology.
Chickenwhite's picture

Dude, if you get sore throats

Dude, if you get sore throats a lot, I recommend getting them removed. I personally have the same problem, but my parents were too paranoid about hospital/didn't take me seriously so they never got me through the procedure and now I live alone and can't afford it.
BluedeerLegend18's picture

Chickenwhite, I've tried to

Chickenwhite, I've tried to tell my parents but they don't take me seriously. According to them, this is all because of allergies. Yes, I do have allergies, but I don't think I've gone a full month without getting a sore throat, big or small.

But my parents won't listen. Either they think it's allergies or they think I'm being melodramatic.
I have a Master's degree in Wumbology.
Chickenwhite's picture

Then tell them my story and

Then tell them my story and how I'm regretting it almost every day, and ask them if they'd rather have their daughter struggling once she leaves home because she had to pay for something like that herself. Not to mention the support there would be missing, no friendly family to get home to from the hospital, no-one to take care of her while she was recovering from the operation... Ask them if it wouldn't be better to avoid all THAT drama.
BluedeerLegend18's picture

I could and I will, thing is

I could and I will, thing is they'll probably just ignore it. They never have really like The Endless Forest, and they''re always saying "What if they're lying? How do you know they are really this or that or blah blah blah...", so they'll probably just ask, "How do you know if he's regretting it everyday? He's just another person on the internet and you don't know him at all."

I've also tried talking to them in that way for other things in the past... according to them, I'm just begging for attention. I know if I don't get the procedure I probably will have no one to take care of me, in fact I probably won't have the money to take care of myself unless my grades improve right now and I can go to college (right now I'm nearly failing more than one class). My family thinks I have a bunch of friends right now, but I was never, am not, and will never be that popular, I'm not real good with friend making.

The other thing I'm afraid about is that my tonsils don't need to be removed. Maybe it is all allergies. Maybe I am begging for attention.

I don't know, I just want to have a couple months without a sore throat.
I have a Master's degree in Wumbology.
Chickenwhite's picture

I don't think having a sore

I don't think having a sore throat as often as you do is all due to allergies, trust me. Unless you have a shitton of them, that is, and they constantly get triggered. I'd try and sit your parents down and really explain your situation and all the logic behind your reasoning if the previous tactics doesn't work on them, just having a civilized, good, long talk with them about why you want your tonsils checked or removed. And if they don't take you seriously... *siiigh* welcome to the club...

I find that cough drops, lots

I find that cough drops, lots of water, and vapor rub seems to help quite a bit. Hope you feel better.

Sorry to hear you aren't

Sorry to hear you aren't feeling well!
Everyone has given some helpful suggestions. Give em' a try!
If it's alright, I'd also like to offer some tips/advice as well when it comes to sore throats. (At least from personal experience.)

In addition to medicine, hot showers (for the steam), warm drinks, and other things, I'd really recommend sleep. Are you getting a restful nights sleep each night? Are you stressed out, anxious, or nervous about something? I always get sore throats when I don't get enough sleep or when I'm super worried about something. (No matter how silly it may be! I've gotten a sore throat over worrying about the first day of school.)

Try giving your body lots of rest and try to see if relaxing and calming down about the situation helps. You can get sick just thinking you are going to get sick!

Hope you feel better soon!