how do i get started playing the game

i dont know how to get started play ing the game. can some one tell me how to get started playing the game!

have you downloaded it? just

have you downloaded it?
just download, install, open, and enjoy~
This account is a biography holder. Nothing more.

i have downlouded it. i did

i have downlouded it. i did every thing and i still cant play it.

What happens when you try to

What happens when you try to open it?
This account is a biography holder. Nothing more.

it dones nothing

it dones nothing

Did you make sure you

Did you make sure you installed everything?
Nothing comes up? not even an error message?
The forest doesn't come up at all?
This account is a biography holder. Nothing more.

no it does not. your being

no it does not.
your being nice to me.

Maybe try uninstalling all of

Maybe try uninstalling all of it then reinstalling? That could help ♥

Being nice? Why not.
Everyone here is rather nice I may not be the nicest person here, but that doesn't make me cruel, you need help, it's only right that I do my best to help you, right?
We're all friends here
This account is a biography holder. Nothing more.

thanks. i really need help.

thanks. i really need help.

Tell me if it helps~

Tell me if it helps~
This account is a biography holder. Nothing more.


Toya's picture

Dear wolfy, if you are still

Dear wolfy, if you are still having problems with there being no deer in the forest: Click the little dot at the bottom left side of the screen. Click "Network". There it will tell you if you are connected to the server or not. If not, tell it to connect. The little dot should be green (or sometimes orange if its buggy) but not red.

Also, sometimes it takes a few minutes for all the other deer to show up, I find it is best to sit very still while your internet is thinking, when all the other picto's show up, then stand up and have fun playing with everyone!

If you still see no one, try checking your internet connection. Perhaps even reset it. If you are running windows, and windows is managing your internet connection, right click on the network icon and tell it to "repair". Especially if you have wireless. Normally hardwire connections don't have this kind of problem.

Good luck Eye


thanks im not having any

Eye thanks im not having any problems ok
Toya's picture

Woo hoo! See you in the

Woo hoo! See you in the Forest.

wait what im a fawn at the

wait what im a fawn at the pond that dances all the time ok