I wonder how Sluggs does a lot of things XD!! Like dissapearing into the ground as some tiny little deer-thing.. You scary Sluggs you >.>'.. But so that was you! I was so confused XD!
How is anyone else going to learn to do these things if no one is willing to tell us how?
Unsurprisingly, this "friendly community" is just another online technocracy, where a handful of "wizards" have the knowledge to fly, turn invisible and teleport all over the map, while the rest of us must be content to carry one spell at a time that we can only use to subtly alter the appearance of others.
Their knowledge is secret, sacrosanct, forbidden to outsiders and commoners like ourselves. They fear that with it we might unmake the forest entire. Safer to keep silent and snigger into their fists regarding "all them stoopid newbs".
Pega: Dude. Chill. Quit knocking the community with untrue allegations.
Sluggs can't tell us how he does that weird glitching of his because he was specifically told - by Michael - not to. As for other things...look around. They're told everywhere! A lot of them by me!
I may call you a "stoopid newb" based on your comment.
If you want to know how to do something, all you have to do is ASK. Not hard. And don't ask how to do that weird glitching shrinking thing Sluggs does, as I told you why you can't know. If you want to fly, sit-slide, air-sit/dance, cast endless devout pelt, make your deer look like it's sitting, I know how and will share this knowledge, but only if you ASK. I happily share knowledge because I like to.
(And don't say, "So why didn't you tell me in this comment?" It's because I'm short on time and need to know exactly what you want explained. I check here often, so unless I'm unable to get online, your wait time will be short.)
Sorry for the rant, but I'm having a short-temper moment.
land|scape|goat magnets don't always attract
4.9 on the Richter Scale
Pega, If my comment seemed angry, it wasn't intended to be. It's merely the truth as I see it. And I wasn't "knocking the community with untrue allegations." None of the allegations I have made are untrue. In fact, your assertion that Sluggs "was specifically told - by Michael - not to" only reinforces my belief that some have secret, special knowledge which they will not share. Just because it was "the creator" who handed down the order doesn't make it any less obscured.
Call me a stupid if you like. I'm sort of getting used to it. For a place that supposes itself inclusive, why all the exclusivism? I have looked, searched, asked and learned very little. My initial open invitation to explain ANY of these things was ignored by most, and openly mocked by the rest. As I wasn't already one of the initiated, my ignorance alone was enough to make me a laughingstock. Needless to say, I stopped asking but kept looking on my own. With very little information on the old forum (which I pretty much turned inside out, but honestly I think they were in the process of taking it down by then), I posted a similar inquiry here, and similar fun was made of it.
This is not to say my research has been fruitless. I have learned a few tricks, among them the devout pelt and air sit/dance/whatever "stunts" (as I call them) you mention, but I really had to look. In fact, shortly after learning to "air sit", Yorres was proudly displaying his new ability near the Playground. After a few minutes, another deer strolled up and simply levitated up to my level and above. When I began pecking around in attempt to figure out how he had done it, I fell. He laughed and ran off into the sky. This incident again reinforced what I said initially: there is some hidden admin mode or hack that allows some deer to be more equal than others.
I know this seems like a bitchy rant, but they're gentle bitches. I love TEF and play every day. Yorres is a very curious deer, and he wants some clearer answers. Couldn't we construct a small list/DB of these stunts so other curious deer wont feel left in the dark?
I didn't wrote that to start a debate (it was a simple question to Sluggs, and I have my answer), but I will say a word :
As Pega said, when you ask gently you have answers.
For the things that Michael asked Sluggs not to talk about, I think that it is a normal thing if Sluggs respects that.
It doesn't seem to me that you simply want to learn IoRez, but mostly that you are jealous of others. If you want to know the tricks which are not allowed to be told, then try to find by yourself.
I'm not as smart as Sluggs concerning tricks, so I (gently) ask other deers : when they can tell me they do, and when they are not allowed to I just try to find by myself (or I simply abandon the idea).
The fact does the creators don't want some glitches to be told is normal : it can have consequences on the game or server if everybody start to use them.
And if you really love this game you should respect its creators decisions.
If you can't understand that, then I totally agree Pega : stop your childish behavior and start to grow.
May I pose a question? Why are my simple statements being characterized as childish and envious? Like yourself, I'm not so smart as others concerning tricks. When I propose a simple solution, I'm mocked, told that I am jealous and a child. Pursuit of knowledge is reduced to mean envy with a keystroke.
Does any of this seem socially inclusive to you? Is this how a community behaves?
Do I honestly strike you as some envious, childish, outsider?
I have my answer. My deer will figure it out on his own.
Also: I have yet to read a sentence that contradicts a single assertion I have made. The knowledge is secret, as I said, and the creators fear us reg'lar folk will wreck the forest, as I said. My admission of ignorance was, again, met with scorn. As I said.
Calling names ?
It's not the only way not to be gentle while speaking.
The way you present things is aggressive. You may not see it, but I don't think I've been the only one feeling uneasy by reading your first post on this subject (if it were the case, Pega wouldn't have answer you this way : he rarely speaks like that, for the few I have read from him).
You don't have to use bad words to seem unfriendly to others. And your way of writing is quite unfriendly to me.
It's, of course, my own opinion. But maybe it is why some people are making fun of you and your questions, insted of answering them.
Try to think of it.
I speak my mind. I apologize if this is read as aggression. My first post was meant to be mostly toungue-in-cheek, and I am a little uneasy with the grim reception it has received, which is the onliest reason I tried to explain myself at all.
I'm not a writer of romance novels or anything, after all. No impoliteness was intended, and if anything I have posted seems defensive, it was only because I felt I was being dealt with poorly. You may have a point about my ability to communicate effectively in print, or to "be gentle", whatever that means. I try not to mince words, and what I wrote is what I meant.
I certainly had no intention to seem unfriendly. Sorry to anyone who was upset by any of this. I was just being honest. This has gone WAY off post topic, and I think I'm clear on the why and how of my initial speculaiton. I welcome any further input you (Ocelo or Pega) might have on this matter.
Pega: If you'd truly searched through the forum, you would've seen that the majority of the community is friendly and willing to help. Don't contradict that; I can direct you to many threads where "newb questions" were asked and not made fun of, but answered in a respectful manner.
And again, you could've just asked how to do the glitches you don't know how. I like helping people; I rarely snap unless the right buttons are pushed.
Oh, and I learned all but one of the glitches on my own. No one told me how to air-sit or sit-slide; I didn't look up information on them (aside from finding a thread on flying). I want to share this information, so instead of saying no one wants to tell you how to do them (ask Michael yourself about Sluggs's weird glitch and he'll tell you why he doesn't want anyone else to know how it's done; something to do with messing with the game files I think, which is how that one deer probably floated into the air and ran off), just ask. I will (gladly) tell.
(Oh, and I'm a girl. XD; )
land|scape|goat magnets don't always attract
4.9 on the Richter Scale
Thanks! You can expect an email soonish. And I did find that, yes, the vast majority of posts in response to newcomers questions were thoughtful, kind and useful. Indeed, this is where I learned most of the handful of glitches I know.
I think initially I perceived these additional abilities to be some sort of hack or code known to a handful (which, as you say, some of them are), when in fact most of these are merely glitches/bugs that can be utilized by clever players. It was this perception that led to my initial reference to TEF as a technocracy. While this may be true in the margins, it is clear to me now that players with such information must be rare in the extreme. Again, I apologize for this mistake, and in no way meant to besmirch the name of TEF or any of the deer within.
I'm glad to see that everything has been resolved. ^^
Oh, and Pega : sorry for the "he" in my comment ! I didn't even wondered if you were a boy or a girl... xD
Now I'll know ^^.
I wonder how Sluggs does a
--Stays a lonely Seele
You can find that out at The
As for being able to shrink... It is the wish of TEF designers, that I don't share that information.
Download Deer Tracker v1.0
Haha, yes it was me Seele
Thanks Sluggs (I think I'm going to register on you forum ^^)
How is anyone else going to
Unsurprisingly, this "friendly community" is just another online technocracy, where a handful of "wizards" have the knowledge to fly, turn invisible and teleport all over the map, while the rest of us must be content to carry one spell at a time that we can only use to subtly alter the appearance of others.
Their knowledge is secret, sacrosanct, forbidden to outsiders and commoners like ourselves. They fear that with it we might unmake the forest entire. Safer to keep silent and snigger into their fists regarding "all them stoopid newbs".
@IoRez: Pega: Dude. Chill.
Pega: Dude. Chill. Quit knocking the community with untrue allegations.
Sluggs can't tell us how he does that weird glitching of his because he was specifically told - by Michael - not to. As for other things...look around. They're told everywhere! A lot of them by me!
I may call you a "stoopid newb" based on your comment.
If you want to know how to do something, all you have to do is ASK. Not hard. And don't ask how to do that weird glitching shrinking thing Sluggs does, as I told you why you can't know. If you want to fly, sit-slide, air-sit/dance, cast endless devout pelt, make your deer look like it's sitting, I know how and will share this knowledge, but only if you ASK. I happily share knowledge because I like to.
(And don't say, "So why didn't you tell me in this comment?" It's because I'm short on time and need to know exactly what you want explained. I check here often, so unless I'm unable to get online, your wait time will be short.)
Sorry for the rant, but I'm having a short-temper moment.
magnets don't always attract
4.9 on the Richter Scale
Pega, If my comment seemed
Call me a stupid if you like. I'm sort of getting used to it. For a place that supposes itself inclusive, why all the exclusivism? I have looked, searched, asked and learned very little. My initial open invitation to explain ANY of these things was ignored by most, and openly mocked by the rest. As I wasn't already one of the initiated, my ignorance alone was enough to make me a laughingstock. Needless to say, I stopped asking but kept looking on my own. With very little information on the old forum (which I pretty much turned inside out, but honestly I think they were in the process of taking it down by then), I posted a similar inquiry here, and similar fun was made of it.
This is not to say my research has been fruitless. I have learned a few tricks, among them the devout pelt and air sit/dance/whatever "stunts" (as I call them) you mention, but I really had to look. In fact, shortly after learning to "air sit", Yorres was proudly displaying his new ability near the Playground. After a few minutes, another deer strolled up and simply levitated up to my level and above. When I began pecking around in attempt to figure out how he had done it, I fell. He laughed and ran off into the sky. This incident again reinforced what I said initially: there is some hidden admin mode or hack that allows some deer to be more equal than others.
I know this seems like a bitchy rant, but they're gentle bitches. I love TEF and play every day. Yorres is a very curious deer, and he wants some clearer answers. Couldn't we construct a small list/DB of these stunts so other curious deer wont feel left in the dark?
I didn't wrote that to
As Pega said, when you ask gently you have answers.
For the things that Michael asked Sluggs not to talk about, I think that it is a normal thing if Sluggs respects that.
It doesn't seem to me that you simply want to learn IoRez, but mostly that you are jealous of others. If you want to know the tricks which are not allowed to be told, then try to find by yourself.
I'm not as smart as Sluggs concerning tricks, so I (gently) ask other deers : when they can tell me they do, and when they are not allowed to I just try to find by myself (or I simply abandon the idea).
The fact does the creators don't want some glitches to be told is normal : it can have consequences on the game or server if everybody start to use them.
And if you really love this game you should respect its creators decisions.
If you can't understand that, then I totally agree Pega : stop your childish behavior and start to grow.
May I pose a question? Why
Does any of this seem socially inclusive to you? Is this how a community behaves?
Do I honestly strike you as some envious, childish, outsider?
I have my answer. My deer will figure it out on his own.
Also: I have yet to read a sentence that contradicts a single assertion I have made. The knowledge is secret, as I said, and the creators fear us reg'lar folk will wreck the forest, as I said. My admission of ignorance was, again, met with scorn. As I said.
Some deer are more equal than others. As I said.
And you're not asking (and
I could scarcely have been
I'm not the one calling names.
Calling names ? It's not the
It's not the only way not to be gentle while speaking.
The way you present things is aggressive. You may not see it, but I don't think I've been the only one feeling uneasy by reading your first post on this subject (if it were the case, Pega wouldn't have answer you this way : he rarely speaks like that, for the few I have read from him).
You don't have to use bad words to seem unfriendly to others. And your way of writing is quite unfriendly to me.
It's, of course, my own opinion. But maybe it is why some people are making fun of you and your questions, insted of answering them.
Try to think of it.
I speak my mind. I apologize
I'm not a writer of romance novels or anything, after all. No impoliteness was intended, and if anything I have posted seems defensive, it was only because I felt I was being dealt with poorly. You may have a point about my ability to communicate effectively in print, or to "be gentle", whatever that means. I try not to mince words, and what I wrote is what I meant.
I certainly had no intention to seem unfriendly. Sorry to anyone who was upset by any of this. I was just being honest. This has gone WAY off post topic, and I think I'm clear on the why and how of my initial speculaiton. I welcome any further input you (Ocelo or Pega) might have on this matter.
Pega: If you'd truly
And again, you could've just asked how to do the glitches you don't know how. I like helping people; I rarely snap unless the right buttons are pushed.
Oh, and I learned all but one of the glitches on my own. No one told me how to air-sit or sit-slide; I didn't look up information on them (aside from finding a thread on flying). I want to share this information, so instead of saying no one wants to tell you how to do them (ask Michael yourself about Sluggs's weird glitch and he'll tell you why he doesn't want anyone else to know how it's done; something to do with messing with the game files I think, which is how that one deer probably floated into the air and ran off), just ask. I will (gladly) tell.
(Oh, and I'm a girl. XD; )
magnets don't always attract
4.9 on the Richter Scale
Thanks! You can expect an
I think initially I perceived these additional abilities to be some sort of hack or code known to a handful (which, as you say, some of them are), when in fact most of these are merely glitches/bugs that can be utilized by clever players. It was this perception that led to my initial reference to TEF as a technocracy. While this may be true in the margins, it is clear to me now that players with such information must be rare in the extreme. Again, I apologize for this mistake, and in no way meant to besmirch the name of TEF or any of the deer within.
Pega: Apology accepted. Now
Now ASK PLEASE. I wish to give info. @_@
magnets don't always attract
4.9 on the Richter Scale
magnets don't always attract
4.9 on the Richter Scale
I'm glad to see that
Oh, and Pega : sorry for the "he" in my comment ! I didn't even wondered if you were a boy or a girl... xD
Now I'll know ^^.
Pega: Nah, it's ok. I found
magnets don't always attract
4.9 on the Richter Scale