Today Ocelo has been able to enjoy much more time in the forest because it was sunday (and on sundays his mom have less RL stuff to do ^^).
He met a very nice doe with whom he had a good time.
Then he joined some deers near the ruin for Sluggs' (fake) funerals... a very sad moment.
But Ocelo's pray has been heard, and a miracle happened !

Sluggs came back to life (a little bit weakened, but he came back x'D).

(Find the error on the picture : 5 nuzzles to win ^^.)
Ocelo sat down because he was a little bit tired (too much emotion xD), but some deer thought he was a chair ! O_O (Ouch, my back x'D)
So he decided to find a more peacefull place, and he tried to communicate with butterflies...

... it works better if you put flowers on your antlers
Flicka came in the forest and they played for a while.

As usually, it made Ocelo very happy ^^.
They discovered together that they had submarin skills xD :
A good sunday, indeed