Hi Everyone!!! I'm Back (Not that any of you remember me XDD)

Sorrel's picture
I played this game a few months ago, and ended up taking a break because I was busy with, you know, life ;D

Anyway, this thing lured me back in and you may have seen me walking around the forest as my old deer, Sorrel. (she's currently in the normal deer pelt and mask with stub antlers, but I remember a prominent user had that same design when I was here, so I'm going to change it. It was a number. 21? Anyway.)

Soooo, yes. For those of you who've forgotten me, here's a lil bit about myself ;3

*I'm 14(well, 15 in two weeks.)
*I'm a girl (big surprise XD)
*I go on WQ, and I'm a mod there. (I know a lot of you've heard of that game, since they've got the whole we're-both-animal-games thing goin on)
*I play water polo and am on the swim team, and I LOVE IT.
*I'm your average teen----that is, I'm annoying, self-centered, preppy and rude. But I hope you'll look past all that and love me anyways ;D
*I absolutely LOVE indie music. Especially british music. Them Brits know how to SING.
*Hi Sariebearie!
*I love you.
*I'm not shy at all, i make friends fairly quickly
*My deer has the exact same personality as me. And it's a teen. Why? I'm unimaginative, so my deery has the same traits as me. Ah well ;D

Aaaand that's it.

I actually have a question:

I remember we used to be able to use spelldata? If spelldata use is still possible, how do I use it again? Sorry for asking, but I just came back from a long absence so I'm a bit forest-tarded XD
Pegasicorn's picture

The picto that was described

The picto that was described as "two pancakes in a bowl". Hard to forget that. =] Welcome back.

As for spelldata... Ok, so you get the set you want in-game. Do not log out, and close the game. Go to where The Endless Forest is installed, and in the same folder you find the screenshots folder, you'll find the userdata folder. There will be two files in there, but we're only focusing on the one called SpellData. Copy it, and save it somewhere else without renaming it. If you need a reminder of what the spelldata contains, create a folder with a name for it to put the spelldata in.
To use the spelldata, go to where you saved the spelldata you want to use and copy it, then go to the userdata folder, and paste the copied data over the SpellData file in there. When you start the game, your deer should be in the saved set.

The Dragonfly Deer's Biography
Pega's Forest Philosophy: "Look for Friends. Let Love find you."
"If you don't like something, tolerate it."
Sunflyra's picture

^.^ hey! welcome back i

^.^ hey! welcome back i didn't saw your picto in the forest, but i would like to C:

~*~Sunfyra's Biography~*~