Heya. Just discovered that The Endless Forest actually has a community page.

As it says on the tin.

I have been on and off the forest for a couple of years now and only just now discovered the community.

Is there a good way to get involved with all of this?

I haven't really been part of many online communities so I have no idea where to start or what to do.
thelittleraven's picture

Hi there! Welcome to the

Hi there! Welcome to the community.

Honestly I don't really know what to say, hah. A lot of the community does in character stuff like roleplaying and making biographies for our deer. But it's also fine to play an OOC deer! Most people have one even if they have characters.

My suggestion would be to share some art or something. You can also just have a look around at all the things here and see if anything suits your fancy! Like I said before, there's lots of roleplay and character stuff. I'd personally recommend delving into the surprisingly rich fantasy world many players have collectively created by turning your deer into a character, or making a new one for the purpose! But you can play how you like.

If you need help with anything specific, you can ask almost anyone, in addition to consulting these handy dandy links:

TEFc Directory by Jala
Known Glitches/FAQ by Aivilo

These are really useful, though I'm sure you're pretty knowledgeable on forest stuff since you've been in it for some years.
Pegasicorn's picture

Welcome to the crazy of the

Welcome to the crazy of the Community site. Laughing out loud