Hey guys, just a heads up about me and the Forest.

OokamiAzura's picture
I apologize if I'm ignoring your deer at all, if they're trying to interact with Nechtan; there's a ton of people on right now (At last count, there were 47 people on), and as a result, my game is doing one of those "freeze moments," where a deer is moving, and then freezes for several minutes. The last freeze up that happened lasted almost half an hour.

So, if it seems that I'm ignoring your deer, it's simply because you're not moving in my game.

Sorry ~
OokamiAzura's picture

Bumping this, since I'm still

Bumping this, since I'm still having issues =/
Iaurdagnire's picture

Same thing happens to me

Same thing happens to me sometimes when there's a lot of people on or my internet is deciding to drag. Rebooting my router seems to cure it some-what, maybe give that a try?
OokamiAzura's picture

The only issue I have with

The only issue I have with that is that once I log out, it'll take forever to get back in. Pictos in my game have a very hard time spreading when there's more than 30 people in the game (There's 41 people on now). I was actually quite shocked when they spread earlier today, when there was about 40 people in. But then again, that was after roughly 7-8 game reboots as well.

The biggest issue however, is that it's not my internet. I'm using someone else's internet that I got permission to use. So I can't really do anything honestly =/

I'm having the exact same

I'm having the exact same problem.
OokamiAzura's picture

And I'm having the same

And I'm having the same freaking problem today =/