[A Herd Of A Different Color]

Arrikanez's picture

As I have wandered the Endless expanse of our beautiful forest, I have come to realize... there are many like me. Those who don't fit into the carefully constructed herds. Those who aren't from here, and cannot go back to where they were born. Those whose deer shape is but a temporary thing, or simply an outer covering to be shed at will. Even those who have been shunned for preferences beyond their control.
These I have witnessed and much more.
As my coat grows longer, and the climate grows colder, I start to think.. to wonder What would it be like to start a herd of my own? A herd of these forgotten souls? Where color, race, shape, size, and even FORM didn't matter... Where one could be free to take human form. Where a deer might not be a deer, and everyone would be alright with that. What might it be like to run as we please, regardless of who we run with?

I wonder... and I ponder. And I have made a decision. I am a Kirin - half unicorn. I can take human shape at will. I prefer stags to does.. and I know there are others out there that are even more bizarre to the others. So I will offer them a place to come. Open arms that will embrace with understanding and not pity. And a heart that will lead wherever it chooses. I will create a herd.... a Haven.

I will come to them. One by one. Or they will come to me. I will ask them... and they will respond. It may not be what I desire to hear... and in that case I will move on. But I will not turn away ANY that wish to join. I will not have the Haven become a Hell. For those who simply don't fit anywhere else, I will attempt to be both father and friend - with my beloved Cell to help me and guide me.

I am afraid... But there is fear in all new things. I am also older. The pain of the past may still be fresh, but that can be an asset to a wounded other. I will use my pain as my pride. My differences will become my triumph. And anyone who enters The Haven will find that the oddities and unnatural tendencies that others shun - will be their greatest asset within their own lives. Just as it has been for me."

Revtheyr is starting a Herd of his own. The Haven for those lost, confused, odd, different, or shunned by the others. Those who fear themselves ugly. Whose form is not always that of a deer or similar. The Haven for those who do not belong.

If you are interested in JOINING The Haven, and think your deer might do well to do so, please don't hesitate to find Rev [me XD] on MSN. [Arrikanez@gmail.com].
Your deer will be interviewed by Rev himself, and possibly Cell [if he's on] to determine whether or not he or she would benefit from a life with The Haven.

[There will be a Forum for Haven members, where human-form roleplay will be done. Anydeer who joins The Haven will be granted a human form, if they do not already have one, as that is one of Rev's [as of yet undiscovered] abilities.
A forum LINK will be sent to you via MSN or E-mail once Rev accepts you into the herd~
[[ Please note I can't draw females, so if your doe joins, you'll have to come up with a picture of her yourself. XD]]
Alecsander's picture

Good luck with this venture.

Good luck with this venture. Smiling
Arrikanez's picture

Thank you very much~ I

Thank you very much~
I appreciate the good will. XD
"I am not the Kirin Prince my father wished me to be. I am the three-horned darling of the Forest,
and my friends are my strength."


Arrikanez's picture

But of course~ You just need

But of course~
You just need to poke me on MSN. XD
"I am not the Kirin Prince my father wished me to be. I am the three-horned darling of the Forest,
and my friends are my strength."

where he's standing in the

where he's standing in the screenshot looks a lot like Tyerk's sleeping spot.. fff..

Good luck! &hearts

{Click to view Nine's bio}

Great idea, I hope it flys!

Great idea, I hope it flys! 8D
Arrikanez's picture

So do I~ Of course, Rev will

So do I~
Of course, Rev will be approaching people he sees don't exactly fit in. :: Nod ::
"I am not the Kirin Prince my father wished me to be. I am the three-horned darling of the Forest,
and my friends are my strength."
Scythe's picture

I'm tracking this and Cell

I'm tracking this and Cell would be more than happy to help with interviews. I'll be online in a few; I just have to feed a certain mister Monty python. XD
Arrikanez's picture

Ooo~ Do make sure he eats

Do make sure he eats everything. :: Nod nod ::
"I am not the Kirin Prince my father wished me to be. I am the three-horned darling of the Forest,
and my friends are my strength."
Pegasicorn's picture

I love that screenshot

I love that screenshot edit.

Not related to the blog really, but I had to say that. |D
Arrikanez's picture

Thank you. XD Be sure and

Thank you. XD
Be sure and spread the word? I don't want my idea to flop before it's even started!
"I am not the Kirin Prince my father wished me to be. I am the three-horned darling of the Forest,
and my friends are my strength."
Pegasicorn's picture

All of mine pretty much form

All of mine pretty much form their own little herd, so they're out. |D
I'll at least be bumping this by commenting again though.
Arrikanez's picture

You're too kind~ Anydeer

You're too kind~
Anydeer who's interested, Rev.. and Cell-Rev are on the bridge right now, at 1:24 AM Eastern Time~
"I am not the Kirin Prince my father wished me to be. I am the three-horned darling of the Forest,
and my friends are my strength."
ocean's picture

/track :3

Arrikanez's picture

Thank you for tracking! And

Thank you for tracking!
And thank you for reading~
"I am not the Kirin Prince my father wished me to be. I am the three-horned darling of the Forest,
and my friends are my strength."