Help, how would I do a CSS for a character Biography?

MapleTree's picture
Is it a CSS?
Or an HTML?

I have no clue, but can anyone help me step by step how I'd get brackets, windows, and such?
Maybe an easy guide that details every step carefully?
I'm terrible at codes, but I'd like to do one of these, for my character; Robyn.

So, can anyone help?
I wanna look into this stuff to get on it.


Just a reminder that if you

Just a reminder that if you plan to experiment with coding, to always have your codes under a cut. This will prevent the codes you create from interfering with the original codes for the community site. It isn't hard to make a cut, and there's a step by step tutorial here.

Good luck! I don't know enough about CSS to help teach you, but there are a few blogs with free templates to help get you started.
MapleTree's picture

I did use a template for my

I did use a template for my bio, that I made a few minutes ago, but it looks like a normal blog with a few colour/comment box changes, no uhm, uh... windows with scrolls to put my stuff in?

Like a lots of others, it has those scroll boxes, but my attempt with the template doesn't.

[e] It's supposed to look like this:

[Made by ICSS]
Unplugged's picture

that's because you need to

that's because you need to set your Input Format to BBCode first. Smiling When editing, you can find that option below the text box.
Honeyfur's picture

Did you change the input

Did you change the input format to BBCode?

Whoop, ninja'd by Unplugged xD
MapleTree's picture

I'm am stupid! LOL XD Doing

I'm am stupid! LOL XD

Doing that now


You can find my biography on her here:
[Complete with now CSS lel]

I might need someone to do art for me on her... that screenshot definitely doesn't fit...
Oh well.
Honeyfur's picture

I'd be delighted to help you

I'd be delighted to help you out with that if you'd like! <:
MapleTree's picture

Some art? Oh, I'd be

Some art? Shocked

Oh, I'd be pleasured!
Do you have any examples?
MapleTree's picture

Some art? Oh, I'd be

Some art? Shocked

Oh, I'd be pleasured!
Do you have any examples?

[e] sorry for the double post, my internet froze up
Honeyfur's picture

Of course! &hearts; x x x

Of course! ♥

x x x
MapleTree's picture

oh! I'll just tell you the


I'll just tell you the set, you can ask for more info if you need more:

Pelt; Fan
Antlers; Peacock
Mask; Skull [It's peacock now, but it's properly skull]

Ask for any more info if you need more