.:Help is at Hand:. {NOW CLOSED}

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Hi hun I do have a question.

Hi hun I do have a question. I'm a returning player and I've registered and all that jazz but when I log in to the network I'm the only one in the session. It says there are at least 50 on there so I'm not sure what I need to do. Thanks a bunch
everdawndeer's picture

Hi, This problem has happened

This problem has happened to me in the past, it's not to much too worry about.
Firstly you could reconnect the network by going off it anf then going back on, if that doesn't work then check your internet connections incase that's the case but if that's all good. Restart your computer or whatever and hopefully when you come back on it'll be good that is what I did.

The day a fawn is born to the day a deer dies we are all one at nature forever.