Will you, the fantastic TEF community, do me the honor of filling out a survey for my class? I am taking a class this semester that requires me to design something. I need input from potential users before I can start working on a prototype.
Please be honest with your responses on this survey. You input will help me a great deal. I am in graduate school, so I am expected to get some good data
Don't worry, I'm not trying to sell you anything.
I will not know who responded with what, so don't worry about what you say. Just be honest.
Thank you! The survey will be closed next Sunday.
Absolutely! 8D
Filled it out~
Fill'd |D
Done. c:
Filled ^^
Crazy because I am making a
done ^^
Done 8D -bumps-
Thank you to everyone who
Done. =]
(No subject)
Filled it out!!
You guys rock.
Filled out. :3
Done. :.)
Thank you!