Hello! And a favour

MapleTree's picture
Almost school time, how much are you excited? Eye

I also want a Favour!
A new look! For my character: Skye.
Until then, I'll probably create an account for her, and wait for her to grow! Laughing out loud


SKIN: Magpie
MASK:x Deer Skull/Halloween Mask x [Can't get now]
ANTLERS: Magpie Feathers

I know I'm asking a lot for the mask, but I Really want it! Halloween is soon, but I still Trick Or Treat, so I may be out until 12:00. I'll never see him.

Twin Gods


!PLEASE post your pictogram IN the comments, it gets confusing when a deer/fawn beckons to me, and I dunno who they are!

My Pictogram: http://tale-of-tales.com/TheEndlessForest/register/pictogram.php?usernam...


If anyone cares to help, please put your pictogram into the comments, and tell me your Deer's look!

I hope people help, I'd REALLY appreciate it.

He on just not ON Halloween

He on just not ON Halloween but during different time periods for about 2 weeks or so. I forget how long it went on last year, but I got to see him several times at all times of the day. So no worries about being out for T&T. We're all in different time zones anyway.

i cna get you the magpie pelt

i cna get you the magpie pelt and feathers but the mask isnt available till halloween. my picto is http://tale-of-tales.com/TheEndlessForest/register/pictogram.php?username=Arborath i hav ethe DOTD pelt(skeleton) and candle antlers.
MapleTree's picture

I don't get it though. I

I don't get it though.

I heard you can get the pelt/antlers/mask from anyone who has it, - like the candles - because the spell stays for use.

candles you need some one

candles you need some one with older versions to get them, skull/zombie antlers and pelt is a halloween only special.

EDIT: what mask did you want if not the skull sense its unavailable atm?

your welcome for getting you

your welcome for getting you the pelt and antlers ^^
MapleTree's picture

I don't know. I want

I don't know. I want something like the mask, but I know I can't get that now.

I'll probably keep my present mask, or take it off.


I make want the Tears Of Blood, but that's probably just the same with the skull.

Its not that far from

Its not that far from Halloween and who knows by then maybe those new designs that everyone has been suggesting will be installed^^
MapleTree's picture

I don't even know what to do

I don't even know what to do when you see him, where to find him, or anything. I've never seen this Halloween Deer, ever.

hes a giant zombie deer like

hes a giant zombie deer like hes huge. you will see him. he easy to spot on Halloween.

Once it's near Halloween and

Once it's near Halloween and the Giant Zombie Deer is in the game, you can go up to him and cast a mask spell on him. That will get you the zombie mask. To get the zombie antlers, you cast an antler spell. For the zombie pelt, you need to cast a pelt spell.