
BlueWolfress's picture
So...i just began playing and i do think the game is pretty...special?It has a nice character to it i guess.It looks nice and relaxing for now.I dont know why i like it so much.Im thinking about what the meaning is.It doesn't make sense but,does it really have to?I think it's better of not to think about it to much.
Im a cute fawn with a human face.If i explain the game to ppl they will think im crazy.Maybe it has a story behind it and i just don't know about it.I like my sign...looks like a foxy or wolf pup.
Vanilliana's picture

Welcome to the forest! Nice

Welcome to the forest! Nice to hear such good thoughts about the game. What you wrote down is true, it doesn't have to make sense. Enjoy it and relax. Hope to see you in the Forest sometime, and here, on the forums as well.


Welcome. <3
BlueWolfress's picture

Thank you!

Thank you!