the woods are dark, cold and misty tonight.
As you walk, you can hear the sounds of the night creatures along with the complete silence of the other sapient beings. No chattering to be heard, no friend to be seen.
However, there is a strange feeling in the air.
You feel watched. look around.
you look around. Apparently, you are alone. There is no one else but you in sight.
However, the sensation remains. keep walking.
You keep on with your night stroll. It must have been your brain playing tricks.
However, as you just got used to the sensation of eyes on your back, you hear the branches above you rattling.
Something is following you. run away! Look up.
You look up.
It looks like an owl, but with odd ears. It has two pairs of wings and two of legs. On each leg, four toes. Its body is black except for the moon white face.
But what truly unsettles you are the eyes. They glare at you, two endless pitch black voids, as if the being is hollow. Staring at them gives you an eerie feeling that crawls up your spine. RUN AWAY! act. Intimidate.
You charge at the creature violently. It screeches, spreading their wings and darting into the night sky. That thing will no longer bother you.
You look down and notice a feather, pitch black and shiny under the moonlight.
Will you take it? take it and leave. or leave it there.
Call out.
you speak, your voice nearly echoing. The place seems to grow silent, the birds and toads hushing. Soon, something responds. "Hello! Hello!" It squawks similarly to what a parrot would sound like, only that the voice sounds dry and hollow.
You look up, discovering what had spoken back to you.
It looks like an owl, but with odd ears. It has two pairs of wings and two of legs. On each leg, four toes. Its body is black except for the moon white face.
But what truly unsettles you are the eyes. They glare at you, two endless pitch black voids, as if the being is hollow. Staring at them gives you an eerie feeling that crawls up your spine. "Hello!" It squawks to break the awkward silence between you both. Then, it tilts its head. "Are you dead? Can I have your bones?" RUN AWAY! act.
hello again
hello xd
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