Happy easter!

Watchbreaker's picture
Now the easter holidays has come! Joy and warm weather to everyone!
Actually I am extremely tired because we were dancing Zumba in school. Amazing fun, and you'll sweat like a pig. Of course only if you do join the dance. Some stupid girls didn't put their heart into it. Maybe they where shy, maybe they where just lazy. But it makes me a bit angry.

But enough of the negative!
I've send my application!!! FINally! I am so happy about it!.. Yay!.. Horray!.. zzz. Hahaha, I'm just so exhausted!! And I'm doing laundry. And to inform you, we live on third floor, so I have to run up and down the stairs with the laundry. And some of it may not be tumble dried. So. That makes me run up and down the stairs four time! First to order the machines, second to carry the laundry down to the machines, third to put some of it in the tumble dryer, and to carry the non-tumble drying back, and fourth time to get the tumble dried. But it's great exercise! And then there will be fresh cloth.

And now my boyfriend came home, so I'll go out and say hello!

Happy Easter to you too, but

Happy Easter to you too, but I seriously doubt England will get good weather... xD
eyestrain's picture

You're going to have very

You're going to have very strong legs. After a year away from school I got winded climbing a few flights of stairs, but now I can fly up three (two steps at a time) without breaking a sweat. Sometimes I feel like a mountain goat...

I don't strive to be the best, but instead I strive to do my best, and always give it my all every time.
Watchbreaker's picture

bluejay17: I can ask the

bluejay17: I can ask the Danish weather if it will send some sunshine over. Smiling

eyestrain: Haha, yes I can feel it in my legs. When I first visited my boyfriend, I was almost dead before I reached the top, but now I take the stairs without bigger problems. Stretching out afterwards
helps too. Smiling

Hehe, Easter doesn't start

Hehe, Easter doesn't start for another week, where I live.
Still, a happy Easter to you!
Have fun getting that exercise d: ♥
Watchbreaker's picture

Really? Well, that is of

Really? Well, that is of course obvious since there exist different time zones depending on where in the world you are.

And thankyou for that, is was nice to get finished. Smiling