h...h..hello again!

Stephi201's picture
ahhh long time no see! dont you remember me? well maybe n..not.o..ok now tell me whats been goin on guys? lulz its like i was gone forever

O...Ohh, you must be

O...Ohh, you must be v...very s...s...shy. I hope your big deer can help you with your problems!
MickKreiger's picture

what kind of mean bastard

what kind of mean bastard are you?

Hi i'm Mick Kreiger, more commonly known as disaster waiting to happen lols

Everything is Effed up straight from the heart

Oh, "I-Hate-This", you are

Oh, "I-Hate-This", you are so very intelligent.

Welcome back, Steph.

-- Dannii <3

Sententia - Where Fantasy And Reality Merge


YOU ARE BACK!!! Laughing out loud


Click here for your Dragon! : http://www.dragonadopters.com/

Please ignore the obvious

Please ignore the obvious troll, but welcome back! I do remember you, mostly your icon really because I don't think I ever really got to know you.
xhunter's picture

welcome back to the forest

welcome back to the forest Shocked
it is good to meet you. Twisted
Hope to see you in the forest Smiling
*goes runs off and hides*

inspirer writing and poems //// if you like dragon eggs you can look at mine. at http://dragcave.net/user/xhunter Smiling
inspirer writing and poems //// if you like dragon eggs you can look at mine. at http://dragcave.net/user/xhunter Smiling
Paralda's picture

l3 Welcome

l3 Welcome Back!

Stephi201's picture

sorry but i dont like

sorry but i dont like swearing,im very young! still a kid lulz. hi anywayz
'Oh, but sensible selves, could you kindly shut up?' ~Sara Bareilles