Please accept this last minute invitation to join us TOMORROW (Monday) @ 10pm (PST) at De Drinkplaats! Let us gather together on this special occasion to celebrate the growing up of our darling sister "Fray". Lets all welcome her into adulthood and explore the wonders of De Drinkplaats together!
-Tomorrow evening @ 10pm (Pacific Standard Time)
-Open invitation, bring family and friends!
-Hosted by "Su-mi" and "P"
Hope to see you there!!!! <3
Time zones: 10:00pm
10:00pm PST
will be
12:00am CST
1:30am EST
For those outside the US:
Left to right: Su-mi, Fray,
See you there!
b u m p
Bump for the birthday girl!
So sorry i couldn't be there
I hope you had fun !!
And Happy Birthday , Fray
It's still to come, tonight.
[e]Okay.he lives near France and it would be at about 8am for him. Sorry you can't attend. Thank you for the well wishes for Fray.
It's late for me, but I will
Me too, sortof. It'll be
Thank you,and I hope you can attend.
Su-mi and F R A Y,the
Nadya is not feeling super
~ C.S. Lewis
I understood why. Still,thank
The party is happening now. To every deer, come and join us!
Su-mi, thank you for the
Fray - congratulations on your birthday!!
The birthday party was much fun :3333 Also got some funny screenshots
Had to leave earlier to go to work
All the best!
Thank you for attending! I
I would love to see any screen shots you would like to share : )
Here's a few i was able to get:
You were dancing all naked
And you had fireworks too ....