Friday night stroll

Time to chill on a Friday night so I thought I'd take a walk.

I came into existence snuggled up to another deer who was already on the hill! It made for a pretty picture but I hope they didn't think I was being inappropriately familiar.

what a pretty configuration they have!

I met another deer who was awake, and we exchanged hellos and pleasantries (at least I hope all mine were pleasantries, I still haven't fully mastered all the postures yet and I don't want to accidentally send one that's insulting).

I stopped at the water fountain for a bit and tried out the bindings on my f-keys in a place where I wasn't near any other deer and where I therefore couldn't either accidentally upset them or randomly turn them into something by pressing the wrong button. At least now I know how to do a greeting-bow without having to fiddle with the icon menu.

Suddenly a flower that looked like an opium poppy appeared out of nowhere. Its stem passed through my body, impaling me to the bottom of the pond. Red particle sparkles emitted from the top of the flower.

If this'd happened while I was at work on a Tuesday it would have really freaked me out, and probably hurt quite a bit too. But here, in the Forest, it wasn't so alarming. Weird things tend to happen around this fountain, I have noticed, even if you don't drink the water. Once a statue fell out of the sky here. Once I saw a fish swimming through the air.

I managed to take a picture, and the flower was gone afterwards, and I was unharmed.

Some places are particularly pretty; I like the places where I can almost lose myself in the flowers. These graphics may be ancient but there is still a real beauty in the landscape. You can tell it was put together by artists. At times it feels like being in a painting.

Even those horizontal bush artifacts somehow end up looking cool.

I like how you just find other deer sleeping as you walk around. Even though they are sleeping their presence is reassuring. Knowing that the place isn't abandoned and lost.

Checking out the bridge. I swear I saw a deer sleeping underwater here once.

I came across an area with quantum frogs. These little frogs would spontaneously come into existence, hop for 5 times or so and then vanish, like partcles and antiparticles annihilating in the quantum vacuum. Windows screen capture is quite slow to respond so it took me a few goes to actually be able to take a picture of one of them before it left existence.

Heading back home I saw someone snoozing by the big tree

and someone had some very imposing horns!

And I love how you will sometimes come across a little pile of deer, where some friends are sleeping together. <3

I think that's rather lovely.

I have been enjoying to watch

I have been enjoying to watch your screenshots and your journey in the forest,
please keep sharing your screenshots, they are lovely! ^^

Art made by Saater

I am glad you are enjoying

I am glad you are enjoying them! Each time I visit the forest it feels like a little srtory, and taking pictures as I go along feels like a natural thing to do, as I discover new interactions and meet other deer.

On a somewhat meta level it also helps with my thinking about why I like this place as much as I do, and how pleased I am to see that it still exists <3

I shall certainly continue!
I am just an ox.