Found another one...

phantomhelsing's picture
Pilfered another meme from deviantart....

I have this weird 40 min break in between two of my classes...It's enough for me to drive home, eat some lunch, and sit there for 10 mins wondering what to do with myself before driving back.

So I do stupid crap like this to amuse myself. Do it if you want, I'm doing it to alleviate boredom |D

- Number: 13
- Letter: C
- Colour: Green
- Shape: Circle.
- Food: Peaches
- Drink: Peach Iced Tea
- Sweet: Chocolate Chip Cookies
- Animal: Okapi
- Plant / Flower: Tiger Lily

- Book: Fff- make me choose DX Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead. SHAADUP. I know it's a play, I read it in book form >.>
- Magazine / Newspaper: Don't read 'em
- Film: O Brother Where Art Thou
- Program / Show: Top Gear
- Cartoon: Monster Rancher....because it was the first really old one I could think of >.<
- TV Channel: Travel Channel
- Radio Station: Don't listen to the radio
- Song: Send the Pain Below - Chevelle

- Idol: ...I have no idea XD quick Cato! Pick a random celebrity! uhhhhhmmmmmSean Connery? |D
- Artist: Leonardo Davinci. Screw you contemporary art, Renaissance was better.
- Music Artist / Band: >8C like I could choose. I have 4 that are tied: Breaking Benjamin/Poets of the Fall/Creed/Two Steps From Hell
- Actor / Actress: David Wenham <3
- Author: Jack London

- Sport: Barrel Racing. Yep. (Equine sport)
- Video Game: ...stop asking hard stuff. Tie between Prince of Persia Series and the Assassin's Creed Series.
- Games Console: PS2.
- Activity: Photoshop...endless hours of Photoshop DX

--Place & Time:--
- Day of the Week: Saturday.
- Season of the Year: Fall.
- Holiday Destination: 1000 Acres Ranch Resort....Yep. Dude Ranch. It was awesome. I almost died a few times.
- Continent: Europe.
- Time of day: Dusk.

- Weather: Fairly warm and partly cloudy
- Possession: Computer
- Tool: can do many things with a hammer...
- Personailty Aspect: Wise ass
- Computer Program: Photoshop.
- Emoticon: On deviant art I'm in love with the :la: emote....I use XD a lot though............XD
- Planet: Pluto...because I still care <3
- Periodic Element: Seaborgium. It exists. Random? Yep. Pulled it from the top of my head.
- Bodily Organ: The heart. My 7th grade science teacher drank blue gatorade out of a cow's heart. No lie. He used a crazy straw.
- Superhero: Gambit. He counts.

Hope you enjoyed the random |D

Ffff Rosencrantz and

Ffff Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead! *fans over*
Dude I wanna do this so bad now :V
phantomhelsing's picture

Best piece of literature I

Best piece of literature I ever was pretty rockin' too XD