The Forest Has Secrets ((Ryff))

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Midday was often hot, but this midday wasn't. The breeze was wonderfully cool, the scents carried on it were floral and fragrant. The grasses were wet from the morning dew still, and springy under one's hooves. A fawn would be roused to play, but this one that appeared a fawn was not.

Tien scratched his fawn head against a tree, marveling at the feelings of rough bark against the little knobs where his antlers would soon be growing. Hnnnnnmmmmh. Itchy already though this body is so new... Why did I have to decide thi-i-i-hhhnnnn~ The feeling was nearly orgasmic to him, the feeling of any touch. His body protested as he left the tree behind, as well as a few soft wisps of fur embedded in the bark. A grassy knoll awaited him, and that is where he sat. It was far from any mushroom circles, which was unusual, but comfortable. There were blueberries nearby, as well as water if he wanted it.

The beautiful birch surrounded the fawn, though in the grass he was hard to see. Copper, spotted fur is quite hard to find. The little fae sighed and rested his head in the grass, his odd nose tickled by the low-laying weeds.

He seemed to be a bit

He seemed to be a bit confused by the fawn who had been making odd noises at his tree. The tall white elk walked over and investigated where the fawn had been, the nasal bone of his skull gently tapping the dark wood that was heavy with the stag's scent, heavy and earthy. He raised his alabaster head to where the hoofprints led.

With an inquisitive glint in his eyes, he trod onward and soon found the fawn in a small glen near the pond.

"Well hello," he cooed, his voice deep and fatherly. "Would you be the one who tried to scent mark that tree back there? Hnhn." A soft chuckle accompanied his speech as he sat down in front of the fawn.
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The fawn raised his crown

The fawn raised his crown bleary-eyed, and smirked. No. My head just itches. A light scottish accent lilted behind the voice of the fawn. His ears, a tiny bit oversized for his skull, lay down along his back as a rabbit's, while he merely surveyed the stag with a pair of eyes that begged to be jumped into, one could drown swimming in their silver depths just as in a storm-tossed sea.

White fur is admirable. I might just have to wear it when I grow. Tien's tiny nose begged to touch the plush white of this stag's fur, though he refrained lest he scare him off. The faery was... just a little overzealous with his exploration of tactile senses. Yes, you could say that.

The fawn lidded his eyes half-way, smiling as he inquired the stag's name and gave his own with a lilting voice. I am Tien.

(thanks, starling! The avatar is amazing! And Thanks Pretzil for the siggie!

The skulled hart tilted his

The skulled hart tilted his head ever so slightly, the tine farthest from his head digging into the ground. Luckily for him, the eyesockets of the mask hid the fact that he was indeed staring slightly.

He lowered his head so that he was eye level with the fawn, who didn't seem quite as fawn-ish as the others. Childish curiousity was dashed along the hart's features. "I am Sketch. Or Ricepaper." He scanned the fawn's face with his silver-blue eyes. "Whichever you prefer."

Sketch extended his forelegs so that they were in front of him and bent at the knee, sort of like how a person would cross their legs when sitting. "Tien is a fitting name for you, child."
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A fitting name?Why, Sketch?

A fitting name?Why, Sketch? Do you know something I have not yet divulged? If it is that I am not a child... He chuckled, biting his lip lightly for a brief moment. Had the stag with the fawn-eyes guessed his origin already? If so, he was one to be respected... most definitely. Tien flared a single ear, watching it swat an insect.

A smile played on the fawn's face as he studied each groove in the skull that Ricepaper wore. Again he felt an obsessive need to stroke its surface, but declined. The pale stag had a miread of wonderful textures on his form.

(thanks, starling! The avatar is amazing! And Thanks Pretzil for the siggie!

The skull was always smiling.

The skull was always smiling. But now Sketch's eyes smiled. "You have just confirmed my theory, child." While he didn't know the origin of the false-fawn, he at least knew that he was speaking with a matured being. This fawn was much too bright to truly be a fawn. His feathery ears swivelled forward with interest.

"You're no fawn, I'm guessing. You have a very wide vocabulary if you really are one," he said. Surely he sounded crazy to anyone else who may have been listening.

With that, he studied Tien's face further for any subtle signs that Ricepaper was right. The white bull had rather fine-tuned sleuthing skills, mostly centered on interpretation of body language. His eyes came to rest on the copper false-fawn's ears, to see if they twitched.
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Tien chuckled. His grin

Tien chuckled. His grin stayed. You are very astute, though I am surprised that you did not go after the stag further off there and ask if he were the one that marked the tree. His ears drew out in a fan to the sides of his head. They were slightly curled at the tips and as thin as the paper that the white elk was named after.

I am no fawn, though what I am does sound like the word. It was fun, very delightful to be with Sketch. He was curious, like a fawn. Maybe they should switch forms. The thought brought on a chuckle, after which a sigh brought a butterfly in to existance from the breath blown lips. Tien did not seem to mind as the creature took wing and left, floating on the air.

(thanks, starling! The avatar is amazing! And Thanks Pretzil for the siggie!

He smiled. "I saw you walking

He smiled. "I saw you walking away from the tree, though. Disappearing into the grass, it seemed." tilted his head again.

Curiously, he put his head forward and tapped Tien's forehead with his nose, inhaling with a loud chuffing noise. He smelled a bit flowery. His nose unmoving, he asked, "Oh? and what would you be, then?"

From the corner of his steely blue eye, he saw the copper one sigh out a butterfly. His ears immediately went up and he turned his head to look at it. Was he going crazy, or did he really just sigh out a butterfly?
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The fawn sighed again, and

The fawn sighed again, and another butterfly came out without his knowing as he smiled at the pleasure of Sketch's touch. What would I be? Anything. Held captive under the touch of the stag, he had no choice but to answer.I am a faery. And your touching me.... is profoundly pleasurable. His honesty could be a bit unnerving, as well as the voice that spoke it.

The fawn's ears went limp in contrast to his gently waving tail. Peering up at the stag as he looked for the little insect that Tien produced, he smirked. Oh. That is not normal, is it? My- my apologies for that.

Tien had always sighed butterflies. It was his one quirk. Some fae spoke jewels or danced with children, but Tien sighed butterflies.

Sketch... If you want to speak to me, please refrain from touching me... it does things to me... I become less than able to speak. He smiled, hiding his eyes briefly behind long lashes.

(thanks, starling! The avatar is amazing! And Thanks Pretzil for the siggie!

For just a moment, he was

For just a moment, he was slightly shocked that such words were coming from a fawn. Then he remembered that this fawn wasn't a fawn and simply watched the butterfly. Unspeaking, nonjudgemental.

"Understood," he said with a nod. He glanced back at the butterfly. "I assume you can do more than breathe insects, hnhn." Ricepaper chuckled softly, his head tipping to the side again as he smiled beneath the skull.
moonsoverwater's picture

The fae chuckled. Sure, he

The fae chuckled. Sure, he could do more than that. Well. I can... I can perform all sorts of magic, hear the wishes of others, know inside when others need me, I can be bound to do as one asks if given the right incentive, I can turn in to various species of animal... found here or otherwhise... seduce others... but the one thing I can't do... well... it is get out of this form yet. With that the fawn snorted, rolling over on to his back to expose his gossamer-silk belly's fur. He kicked out a back hoof with abandon, watching the tree above him quiver. He was pretty much sick of this form already; it did not hold magic well.

The fawn peered up in to nowhere, then over to Sketch. It was discovered just how regal he was inside the mask as Tien glimpsed the smile hiding inside. He returned it, again biting his lip. That butterfly thing, it is the one thing I do that all other faeries can't... it makes me unique.... He did not use the term 'fingerprint' for fear of the stag not even knowing what a 'finger' was, let alone the significance of it's print.

(thanks, starling! The avatar is amazing! And Thanks Pretzil for the siggie!