I came into existence today to find it was foggy in the forest.
I dallied in the ruins a bit, poking around. Looked into the pit here, although it seemed a bit scary. There's someone asleep here.
And these guys are often sleeping here when I exist. I guess we all have our own perception of time, here. My evening walk time is nap time for many. Most, tonight, it seems.
I need some of those blue flowers for my antlers. Oh, wait. I don't have any antlers yet. I guess my ears will have to do.
The forest looks different in the fog. Like the trees are floating. I don't remember there being as much weather here, in my past existence.
The light makes everything look different, in the fog.
Oh hey I met you the other night, I love your horns and pelt! Nice to see you again!
I should take a walk around and look at some of the other deer who have found themselves here. I'm shy, I'll try to be quiet, I don't want to seem like I'm nosy.
Oh I don't think I've ever seen anyone with a null glyph before!
There's a couple of deer by the waterfall. Let me just get a bit closer so I can see their glyphs. I should learn people's glyphs.
AAH I woke you up I'm sorry I'm sorry
But you were kind and polite and we exchanged pleasantries. It was nice to meet you

The mist certainly lends a different vibe to the place
I guess everyone finds a favourite spot to sleep, just as I do on the little hill near the ruins.
Amongst the blue flowers is not a bad place for it.
Quiet night tonight. I'll just check by the gravestones, Saater was there last time I existed.
Not tonight though so I will relinquish consciousness. I have enjoyed the mist, and the walk.
Thanks for the diary! Sorry,
It's Fjara and Atlas in this screenshot. They are really awesome, they're my friends.
I think it was Fjara I was
I'm kinda shy. I usually don't do any kind of online multiuser gaming stuff. It's nice to be in a space where people are so welcoming to newcomers and strangers.
Hello! It was indeed Fjara
The little deer sleeping next to Fjara is Atlas, and he is also saying hello and sending you his best wishes <3
(Also, you are awesome too Saater <3 we adore you)
signature by Atlas
forever sleepy
Hello Fjara and Atlas, good
And thank you Fjara for taking the time to greet me although it was so late for you. One of these days I hope I shall get into the Forest during daytime!
I look forward to seeing you both around in the Forest sometime soon!