Flock Meeting TODAY!

Pretzil's picture

Please let us know if you are attending.

If not, please tell us when the best time for you would be so that we can better organize these events.


We are ALWAYS accepting applicants! You don't even need to create a new character to participate!

The homepage is here

Feel free to join!



Pretzil's picture

thx .. I hope they attend,



I hope they attend, since last time was a fail.

It needs more members,

It needs more members, y'know. We need a recruiting event. *thinks*

Deyna's picture

=o A Terror of ravens! Sounds

=o A Terror of ravens! Sounds fun :3
Pretzil's picture

Indeed. But, with the topic

Indeed. But, with the topic blow us *growl* saying some rather rude things about us...

We really need to have some sort of... Mass flow. ?

In the start, lots of people commented... Now it's... dead. x.x

We need something to start it up again...

edit: lol Well, hopefully |D

#1) what topic? #2) I'll

#1) what topic?

#2) I'll have to e-mail you later about this. -won't be able to make it to the meeting. Sad(

Pretzil's picture

The one below this one. And

The one below this one.
SentrySeb's picture

Well, 5the flock is a cool

Well, 5the flock is a cool idea, but it's a weekday, so not many of us can attend. I camnnot, and I don't intend to. I felt shunned out, and am not willing to really care anymore.

Pretzil's picture

.. Why? No one's shunning

.. Why?

No one's shunning anyone O.o