If you decide to change flights, let Quad know and he'll put you under the correct flight listing.
Important messages from the Flight Rising crew here
Scythe introduced me to this game a few days ago, and since then I've become addicted with it. So I wanted to make a blog for us TEF members who are playing. Basically, it's a game all about raising a clan of dragons and battling with them Pokemon style.
You choose from 11 different elements at the beginning, and depending on which you pick, your first dragons will be that element. You have your own dragon god and area on the map based on your element, and you can breed dragons to build your clan and trade with others.
Anyway, check the game out
If you're a member and want to be on the list, let me know your username and element and I'll add you. (A link to your clan profile really helps me for linking purposes

) I've got a bunch of TEF members on my friends list on Flight Rising but I'd rather you let me know you want to be on the list than just add you without permission.
Also feel free to talk about this game as much as you'd like in the blog. There's a lot to discuss XD
Member List -
Dragon Rarity List (Thanks to SoliloquyChryseis for this info)
Plentiful Breeds: 15 days
Fae Dragons
Guardian Dragons
Mirror Dragons
Tundra Dragons
Common Breeds: 20 days
Pearlcatcher Dragons
Ridgeback Dragons
Snapper Dragons
Spiral Dragons
Uncommon Breeds: 25 days
Skydancer Dragons
Limited Breeds: 30 days
Imperial Dragons
Rare Breeds: 35 days
Coatl Dragons
Wildclaw Dragons
Hello, don't know where to
♥ ♥
Vala xD - I want to add
- I want to add that anyone's welcome to add me on the game, and trading items/etc is fine with me! If you're low on food and i Have some, i'd be willing to share, etc.. i think it'd be awesome if we could all help each other out every now and then.
Does anyone know what the
Tuoho, fire.
13, so 7 is the middle number
FR is way too slow for me to
I enjoyed doing the hard Jigsaw Puzzles, but its just too slow they won't even load
This website is offline No
No cached version is available
What's wrong?
The most likely causes:
The server is down for maintenance
There may be a network problem
The site may be experiencing excessive load
I was playing the hi-lo game and this just happened, so it's not just you, Soliloquy
Oh it wasn't offline, just
Thank you, Quad c: [e] I
I don't suppose someone could tell me how to fix my icon? It's still blank.Never mind <3.
Kimi, I absolutely agree.
And Soli, I am having the same problem. It's a server issue on their end, I believe. It makes grinding for treasure pretty frustrating. :/
The game is just past its
Aihnna Plague
Only if you guys don't need
Also I'll have two light hatchlings tomorrow for trades. I've already promised one hatchling to Scythe but I'll have another one for whoever that might want one.
Lastly, I was ticked that Anirapio didn't become an adult today. I guess they really grow up on their 6th day.
Does anyone know a user named
I don't know who that is, and
Same... Though if they
I haven't seen them request
I usually just friend everyone anyway /derp ;_;
I accepted their friend
really excited about this
really excited about this guy. ;u; If only he'd stay that cute.
asdvs -flails and fails-
That Guardian pup is lovely,
Still no other Shadows? Really? Scythe looks so lonely up there. ;3; lol Well, I guess you might as well add me then. lolCoyote is the ID name.
Also, my first clutch of eggs hatched. I have two Fae pups I'm not keeping and likely to trade. They're nothing much to look at (in my opinion). I'm still a newbie. XD Mainly just looking to trade for another breed I don't have, not too picky about color just yet. Or more Mirrors as I think I'm getting attached to that breed. So let me know if any of you are interested in a bebe swap.
Sob/I really need to join
Profile picture by ahimsa ♥
Pixel Wis by squeegie~
OMG Kimi the lil babeh
You could always 'scroll of youth' him so he'll be forever young and adorable. :'U
All you guys are having
They're all just so cute!
How do I go about getting new dragons, other than breeding? The auction house, right?
Mauvable: Aw damn I'm sorry
Mauvable, Don't know if you'd
Aww ;u; Thank you so much!
I just signed up. c: My
EDIT: I chose nature! Now to design my dragon...
Discord: Gulonine#4267
Quad, your little Fae is so
X3 yeah...Scythe has first
Also Gustiro I freaking love those Fae hatchlings of yours! Beautiful color scheme!
thinking of joining.. idk
Quadraptor, Thanks. ^^ And
Thanks. ^^ And well if you're interested enough and Scythe picks the Fae over the Guardian I'd gladly trade for the Guardian. Don't have one yet. The brighter Red one is the one I still have. Gave the other to Mauvable.
It's really a once a day sort of game. Not too much to do after getting your daily items. So really it doesn't take much time. I mean unless you want to pile on the "Treasure" aka game points through endlessly playing the Games they have. So it shouldn't interfere with your other games too much.
Just wanted to share my new
Oh, nice, Tornpaw. Like that
I have a second account that
Once my female mirror on that account can breed again, would anyone like to breed mirrors with her?
If you're interested can you please leave a picture of the male you'd like to breed her with?
this guardian female looks
I have a couple of beautiful
kagfjgsdkgfhjg Han that fae
Signature by Roo ♥
I caved.. ;; Fincayra. Wind.
Fincayra. Wind.
Hey Gustiro, Scythe said she
All the babies. \o/
All the babies. \o/
Quadraptor, Woo! Thanks,
Woo! Thanks, Quad. ^^<3 Now to think of a name for him. I'll have to do that tomorrow when I'm not half asleep. XD
Cute batch, Pega'!
Haha I'm in the same
And Pega yours are aaaweeesssoooome!
Haha yah. And I just realized
The yellow eyes go so well with him though. X3
just hatched these
all female. selling the second mirror, not too fond of her tertiary color. might sell the guardian, too.
Here are my first dragons,
I'm willing to trade the
They're all male by the way.
Pegasicorn, Would totally go
Would totally go for him, Pega'. But I seriously need females and I don't have any bebes to trade at the moment anyway. XD
How much you selling her for, Gem? Been looking for tan-heads.
And if you sold the Guardian how much would you want for her? I'm liking the Tangerine color on wings.
Anyone know on Mirrors can you get different colors on the heads separate from the body? Or is it completely depended on each other?
Gus; Some of the colours on
Zenith has splash as her primary and has drastically different head and body colours, as opposed to Kimian whose contrast is much more subtle, simple because of the base colour type they show.
Xemi, Ah, yes. Was kind of
Ah, yes. Was kind of afraid of that. Limits a bit what you can do with the breedings. I'm more use to Wajas. XD Thank you. <3