February 14, 2010 - 10:58am — Latte
I have been wondering about these things for ages, time to forum post. ^^
1. How do you sit on the rock on top of the waterfall? I've seen someone resting on there before but couldn't work out how to get up there.
2. Is it possible to sit at the very top of the ruins?
3. How do you move around when your sitting/sleeping? (Sit-sliding)
All answers appreciated, ^^
1. Um...I'll just guess, but
2. Not the top top, but close to it. You can sit on pillars, etc. It might be possible, though!
3. I believe you have to get up and walk around while the dot in the corner is still red. Don't stop pushing whatever arrow you use to move forward. Just keep moving, even when it turns to orange and green, and your deer should be asleep and moving.
I still haven't figured out how to sit-slide. xD
Ok, ty ^^
turn, and press "sit" while
You can only go forward/backwards this way. There's a way to turn while doing it, but I don't know how.
This one seems to work,
To do the half bow, press the
It helps if you have then hotkeyed. Programmed into f1-f12. But not in f10, as it freezes the Forest.
-tracking- sorry i want the
sorry i want the sit slide lol, the turnable one so I AM WATCHING.
Thank you, once again,
Now to find out how to hotkey...
hotkeys? you just hover your
you just hover your cursour above the emote you want to hotkey then hit F1, F2, etc. However i think it says F10 kills TEF.
Okay, cheers. ^.^
I'm happy to be of
Yush, teh evil typos were here again.
Lool. XD
Here's how I learned to sit
turn (left or right) and sit down and immediately press the up arrow.
To turn, make sure you have dance on a hotkey. Hit that hotkey twice and turn and THEN button mash your "h" or spacebar to hop. You must hop or it won't work B:
I haven't done it in a while, so I think that's how it works xD