Farting a few scribbles here hnnngh!

Tuhka's picture
Older ones I've posted on DA, featuring charries I've never really used much. At least the guy with metal jaw and the crazy one whose name I don't remember anymore, gods. Why did I give him pinkish eyes, what the hell was I thinking..? <D
I still like them though, even if I didn't use these guys anywhere really.

Also, not sure if I've posted this one here yet:

Cut human singing in a bar. I think something snapped in his head a little because I don't think he actually sings much, he rather just plays his guitar. Ah well. :u
LilyBlue's picture

Guy. with. Ski cap. Just.

Guy. with. Ski cap. Just. too. Sexy -grabby hands then dies- ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

On another note singing Cut looks amazing :3

Fff. All of these <3 Cut

Fff. All of these <3
Cut singing in the bar.
Brown deer in the middle with the goatie.
Just. Everything.
GlobalBeauty's picture

;A; Brown deer-face with

;A; Brown deer-face with white beard...


And ALL of these are just striking.
Siggies by Carry & Amazengalo
Aivilo's picture

Why can't my fanny make

Why can't my fanny make pretty farts like these? :<

That last one @.@
OrinocoFlow's picture

looks at art faint

looks at art
You do not have a soul. You ARE a soul. You have a body.
~ C.S. Lewis
quadraptor's picture

I absolutely love the design

I absolutely love the design on that one deer with the blue eye. And these are just stunning as always.

Quammy. Please don't ever stop arting. Seriously. You are incredible!
RikkaChan's picture

A hell of a lot of AWESOME.

A hell of a lot of AWESOME.

HOLY HELL im dead

HOLY HELL im dead

your art &hearts;

your art ♥
Reyy's picture

Hhhhhhhhhot. I love the very

I love the very first picture on the left.
I think the fashion is really unique, especially that gold face guard.
Have you ever taken a look at some runway designs? Some of them are crazy, idk, you may find them inspiring or something or maybe not.
Here is one, really sleek. Not as crazy as most. Maybe you will like it? http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lw6iyeTZ2a1qm86p7o1_500.jpg
Tuhka's picture

LilyBlue - Ski caps. Makes

LilyBlue - Ski caps. Makes everything sexy. 8| ♥ thank you bunchies~
acer - hnnnh thank you, glad you like ;; ♥
GlobalBeauty - Bwahaha, bearded deer is getting popular among these guys it seems. The secret lies in beard, ladies still likes them.
Aivilo - *pokes fanny* Maybe you just need to change your diet. 8<
OrinocoFlow - Why is there a fainted person on my floor! Shocked
quad - whahaha, everyone likes him it seems! And I'll try. At least not having intentions of quitting yet! ♥
RikkaChan - you too ♥
Dinamo - One fainted and one dead. *makes markings on a small notepad*
lovebird - ♥♥
Ravynn - haha, that's one of my personal favorites as well. and oh heck yes, I see a lot of runway designs on tumblr indeed, and they've been neat sources of inspiration with such strange and artistic designs. And model pictures in general. Yes, many of them are strange and crazy but that's not a bad thing at all ;D That one too that you linked, oh I love the contrast of the model's light skin and hair and somewhat strong face and the black, sleek dress, nomnomnom.