Alas, I have yet any CSS, but anyway. On to a quickie and temporary bio!

~~ Adopted from ArrowDoe (the above image is also by her. She is awesome

Also, his picto is coming, just need to find the right one
125, just a pup
Water/Forest Draik Yes, that sounds kind of odd, but he is what he is :3
Color & Description
Blue, reminiscent of clear brisk winter sky. Thick, snow-white curly mane that is shorter in the beginning nearer the head then lengthens closer to the withers. A short, upright choppy stripe of hair leading from the top of hips down the tail, and also has a furry belly. Has scruffy fetlocks. Across the bridge of his snout he bears two white bands with a spot on his nose, and upon each leg nearest the middle of the lower leg he has a broad, thick white band and a thinner, fainter one below each. On each hip he bears soft spots, similiar to the white spots on a fawn.
Eylir also has antlers from which he hangs pretties and herbs in small sacks.
Very dexterous forepaws, much like hands. He is a healer of small ailments - or rather, his saliva is. More serious injuries or sicknesses must be remedied with herbs. He is found of caring for the weak and much enjoys creating things for others - adornments for their antlers, assisting in the piercing of body parts with his exceptionally sharp (and retractable) claws.
Exceptionally friendly, as is the way with his species. However, he is ferociously (and efficiently) protecting of his loved ones. A bit on the lazy side most often, he is prone to sunbathing by the pond or exploring the ruins for herbs and flowers. He hates going 'Agro', as his form changes slightly and he finds it intensely unsettling and rather painful (and he is in control of it, unless he flies into a fit, which is exceptionally unusual).
Lives a life of peace and helping others.
Eylir hails from another land and found his way here through the usual way - a portal opened between his world and the Forest, right infront of him. Fortunatly for him, the Forest is a fine sanctuary and gave him a prompt escape from a particularly angry neighboring dragon who had taken issue with Eylir bathing in his pond. It being the third time this neighbor had found Eylir in that same pool, Eylir had to make a bolt for it, scampering along the base of a mountain before nearly running through the Door without stopping. It had only taken a snarling roar from the dragon behind him to give him need to hop through, and so he did.
Baha! Found you!
He looks awesome almost like
Very cute.
Very cute.