Make use of my blog feature XD
It felt empty and demanded a post.
Of pointlessnesss.
Like this.
And some crap.
I FINALLY managed to water-walk the other day.. was going good... backing up and all that good stuff - had a pelt, mask, and antlers and plenty in the 'history' of them.
What do I do? Lay down. Didn't think of asking/learning how people get back up after laying down on the water. PLOPPED right into the water when I tried to stand! Woe was me!
Somehow I got my pelts back.. I can't remember.. I shall post some photos and perhaps someone will look at this blog (but I doubt it) and tell me who it was. But shall post them later.
Firstly; Are we allowed to play with Pixel Fawns? I saw them the other day and chased them about (usually from a distance).
They really didn't interact with me much when I did get close to them. One walked up to me, but didn't do anything.
Sounds like I have more to say? Alas, I do not.

/end xD