Enjoying it so far

I've been on here for a day now, and I have to say I'm loving. I think I've figured everything out, I'm just worried how I'm going to remember who is who in the game. Everyone seems nice and friendly. I appreciate it, I really do. Feel free to comment any tips. Eye
Aquilo's picture

Huzzah! I'm glad you are

Huzzah! I'm glad you are enjoying TEF. Laughing out loud There are plenty of friendly players in the forest, but keep in mind that most deer are in-character and their actions shouldn't be taken personally (some deer might have a plot/rp going on, and may act unfriendly or ignore others altogether). That being said, you're always welcome to approach my deer if you want to hang out. c:

One good way to start remembering who is who is to be active on the forums, even if it's just browsing! The more experience you get, the better. TEF is a very different place with a unique (and awesome) community. (:

See you in the forest!
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Discord: Gulonine#4267