We have posted a progress report on the remake of The Endless Forest on the development log:
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To summarize, we have solved two major challenges: wrapping the forest so it is endless, and seeing other players across the borders. But creating a dedicated server in Unreal is a convoluted process that may require a new computer with a more recent 64 bit operating system. We're also digging up the many old models and textures that make up the game in our amateur-era archives and converting then to modern file formats.
We are very pleased with the results so far and eager to continue the work.
See you in The Old Forest!
This is soooooo amzingg!
Thanks for the updates, M&A.
Keep up the great work. <3
Thank you for the update
Looking good! I have to
Good luck with the rest of
Looks great! I can't wait to
I do wonder if this change in
I would love some good camera angles this time around...
How do we access the log?
Dag, You get a discount
You get a discount option after you select your membership level here.
J!n, as i know, the effect of
At least that's how i understand the effect.
Fel in corde, fraus in factis.
I really must ask this right
At Indiegogo there are the 10 perks showing up, but at http://endlessforest.org/fundraising/ there are only 6 perks... so are all the 10 perks still available or not?
And also this may be a silly guestion, but if there are the first/previous perks will they be achieved too if you support with more money? I mean (haha i'm terrible at explaining this at this moment i dunno why, sorry about that. There's something going on between my ears that i don't know) if there is for example tagged, forest fan, forest collector and forest lover perks and i decide to take the forest lover pack, then will i get all the awesome stuff mentioned in every perk/pack before the forest lover (and of course forest lover stuff too) OR only forest lover + forest collector stuff without any other stuff from previous perks/packs?
Now i have the money to support you guys, but at the website there's missing the perk- package- thing i really want, but at the indiegogo there is the one! What should i do to get the stuff i want? : D i'm afraid that i will mess something up if i decide to move my money now when i'm excited...
Sorry if these huge guestionmarks of mine are too obvious for everyone else (except me) and you have to type a reply with an facepalm : D
Nima - You get all perks
You get all perks leading up to (as well as) the perk you donate toward. So yeah, you get everything.
Nima, Michaël Samyn wrote:The
Awesome work and thank you
A new texture update sounds good, I hope you can keep the humanoid-face features