Dying Nightmare

BrokkenSaint's picture
Under cut

She tossed and turned restless in her troubled sleep.
Small cries escaped her pale lips.
Her hands clinched into fists, so tight her knuckles turned even whiter than usual.
Flashes of memories attacked her subconscious.

Imaginary screams played over in her head.
Long forgotten blood splashed before her eyes.
Hooves and antlers slashed down at her.

She thrashed as the memories became more vivid.
Old wounds reopened, spilling blood over the floor.
Her hooves stuck the stone walls, chipping both the wall and her hooves.

Pain ripped though her.
She could hear the voices calling for her death.
The scent of copper over took her senses.

Tears spilled from her closed eyes.
Her breath became a gasp for life.
The smiling mask cracked as if smashed.

A scream issued from her.
Echoing throughout her hideaway.
The murders face sneered at her.

Her silver eyes snapped open.
Blood coated her shaking body and the floor.
Her breaths came mixed with sobs.

She curled up into a ball.
Hugging her mask.
Struggling to control the loud cries, that echoed.

I wasn't really sure about how to end it. I wrote this while listening to Always by Saliva
ocean's picture

Intense, but I liked it!

Intense, but I liked it!
BrokkenSaint's picture

Thabk you. I kinda let the

Thabk you. I kinda let the emotion run a little wild with this one