I want to work on my deer skills on drawing so Im taking request. This is going to be on paper and I'm just going to do this for pratice just to tell you. When Im done I'll post them on here~
http://endlessforest.org/community/im-9-here-cure-you-mega-wip "The Plague Doctor"~ Finshed
http://endlessforest.org/community/just-add-%3F-tea-%3F-little-honey Tea ~ Finshed
http://endlessforest.org/community/im-cyra-not-scared Caya ~ Working on
http://endlessforest.org/community/node/81605 Kerwin ~ Working on
http://cs316819.userapi.com/v316819197/3cb7/F2j3ETmrS6w.jpg Adolf ~ Working on
Sorry for the long wait guys~ I just lost tack of this but I will get them finshed soon
? c:
If you wanna do...Tea or
My new girl?
thank you!
Shimmer and Shine
This guy, maybe?
brokenstick: I'll try my
I'll try my best~ ^^ I have an idea all ready which is a good sign. Love the bio, love to roleplay somtimes with him.
I think I'll stick with tea, Ok?
She looks great, a little bit in my range with so much dog features ^^ I get right on it
FishBiscuit :
Is he a full out white deer with the simboly on his neck? Or does he have any other fur featurs? Other than that Im all set~
I'm always open to roleplay ^^
If you can, then try to
Well cool~ I love the antler
I'm always open to roleplay ^^
Tea's perfect I use her the
Well great~ ^^ Thanks for the
I'm always open to roleplay ^^
Yes! Haha awesome! Can't
Can't wait <3
Shimmer and Shine
Glad to here ^^
I'm always open to roleplay ^^
Kerwin looks the same in game
Thank you for requesting him, Fish. That is very kind, and Kerwin is quite honored as well.
I'm glad I looked at this.
hehe thank you! And ofcourse!
Waning-Sun: Im glad too ^^
Im glad too ^^ Thanks for clearing that up Just to be clear though since I could find any good refernce the secretary pelt is made up of red, white black right?
Mk, ^^ just post anytime on my roleplay blog anytime you want to roleplay
I'm always open to roleplay ^^
And thank you for drawing
Here is the secretary pelt.