Done before?

The forest has always been magical, miraculous things have been done here, but what happens when you dream? Dreams are the most magical thing in reality, what happens when their introducted into the forest? One night a little fawn was dreaming. She was lonely and bored, seen everything there was to be seen. Her dream was just powerful enough for her answers to be granted. In the morning a shiny metal figure a little smaller than herself was snuggled next to her, emiting a steady warmth. It appeared to be some sort of deer. Plates formed the creature, space inbetween each plate like it was floating in place. A warm turquoise glow came from the spaces where the heart would normally be. Two discs floated above the head where the ears would be. A small glowing turqoise button in a diamond shape sat in the plate that was it's forehead. The fawn was rather brave and was curious about this little thing. The creature stood up and stretched like any deer would and it's turquoise eyes seemed to look at her with joy. The two instantly became friends. All the other fawns were scared of the creature, whispering the one word:robot. But nothing seemed to get the creature down aslong as it was with it's fawn. The "robot" loved it's companion, doing everything for her, but everything wasn't enough for the robot. The fawn didn't share the same love, she merely thought it as a toy that her parents had gave her, not an amazing miracle. As the fawn grew, the robot grew at the same exact time. Days were filled with laughter and happiness, but like reality, kids grow and toys are forgotten. The little robot started to notice the decrease in interactment until it woke up with it's friend gone, nowhere to be found. The robot was confused as a deep pain rolled in waves, for it had grown to love the deer. All the ceasless rumors and theories had said it didn't feel emotions. Maybe it was just defective....No, it was different, just different. But as the robot faced the glorious and terrible forest, alone, it began to question itself. What was it? He? she? What did it love? Females? Males? The questions went on and on, but one question stuck out. Who was it?

Ok, sorry for the read, but this was just to share my idea and see if it has been done. I want to come up with something new. I'm also sorry for the confusing parts. It was hard to describe the little guy or girl? Smiling Thanks for reading.

Well, I know Cydae had an

Well, I know Cydae had an imaginary friend that manifested itself into a sort of mother figure till she wasn't needed anymore. Keshadei dreams memories of her past and my old character was attacked and teleported through her nightmares. People do their own thing, really, when it comes to details like that.

Ok thanks for the help. I was

Ok thanks for the help. I was mainly just wondering about the robot thing, sorry for not specifying.

Ahh. Well someone once had a

Ahh. Well someone once had a Gundam-style humanoid robot in the forest before.

Ok thanks for the help!

Ok thanks for the help!
Kaoori's picture

you can be whoever you want

you can be whoever you want to be. It's your character. So long as you're not blatantly ripping off someone else's, you're free to do anything you like.

You can be a carrot if you want.

Yeah I was just making sure I

Yeah I was just making sure I wasn't ripping anyone off.

Just don't expect people to

Just don't expect people to know your deer is a robot at first glace. Eye
Aivilo's picture

...I want to be a carrot now,

...I want to be a carrot now, Kimi

Cute story :3