Diary of Chopin. Entry one.

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((Chopin speaks in #00688B by the way))

What a strange place this is...
I, appear to have lost my voice as well as my human form, and now the only sound I can seem to make is a most frightful braying-moo.
I still have a body though, and I use it to the best of my abilities, just because I seem to have ended up in such an odd place doesn't mean that I cannot be polite.

I always find it strange when other deer approach me at their run or even a loping trot, muzzles close to scent me, it makes me uncomfortable for some strange reason, oh well, all I do is back up and bow before returning the gesture (it's only polite!) and most of the time they see to understand and bow back, this really is a strange forest, the animals here seem so...sentient, I wonder if maybe they were all human once upon a time?

How silly, it couldn't be...

The only thing I find myself able to compare my current situation to is the tale of Alice in wonderland, about the child who fell through a hole and into a very different world, indeed I find myself much more sympathetic to her troubles now!

I am, however, glad that I have not lost the precious thing called music. Yes, it's not the same here, not the same instruments, But I have grown fond of them all the same, from the drumming hoofbeats of myself and the others, the flutes of the birds and wind, and yes, even the deep bass of the deer calling in the distance.

Surely this must be heaven though, certainly no place can be this peaceful?

I have seen other fawns, they certainly are energetic though! Very...eager, to greet me, and while I love running with the other deer (it makes a most delightful sound) I appreciate the way the older deer seem to be calmer in their greetings.

I have to wonder if they see me as an annoyance though? The way that an older lady or gentleman would put up with a child...

I suppose I'm just being foolish though, or at least, I hope I am, I do my best to behave as a proper young man...ah...Stag...should, I may not have carried much over to this life, but I plan to keep my manners about me.

Well, I believe I'm beginning to ramble now, my apologies.

I'm still trying to decipher the odd glowing thing above my head, it does make it rather hard to nap!

it looks like this though; http://tale-of-tales.com/TheEndlessForest/register/pictogram.php?username=Sonata Rather like a stage, a curve of seats, that would be where the violinists would be in an orchestra I suppose, and that circle would be around where the conducter would sit.

Now I'm seeing shapes? ha! well I do hope I'm not going batty...


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My colours kept jumping on

My colours kept jumping on this one... how odd, fixed anyway.