Quick question, does anyone know how to make it so that the pictogram on my account stops changing? My deer is named and all, and I see that others' accounts have their deer's picto instead of the changing gif. How can I do that?
There was this butterfly released into the forest, a really big, blue butterfly that couldn't go any faster than a walking deer. But this butterfly was associated with bad things apparently, because whenever it got near the other deer, they'd all scramble away. Then I realized that if the butterfly got close enough to cast a spell on you, you became the butterfly and the original one went back to being a deer. It was so weird...
Sounds like it would be a fun game though, like tag. But being a butterfly for too long would get annoying, I suppose.
I've been inspire by Sighthoundlady to draw more of my TEF deer, Wren, and other deer designs. They're simply so beautiful. You should check out her artwork, if you haven't already! http://endlessforest.org/community/node/57197