tarlenn's blog

How long does the rain last?

Don't get me wrong, I love the change of weather, but how long does it actually stay though?

This is the first time I've ever seen a change in weather, so I'm unfamiliar with how long it usually stays. I know things are random, but how long does the forest usually stay in a changed state ((i.e. raining, nighttime, snowing, fog, etc.))?

Set Help {Solved}

Update: Solved.

I just need a Venetian Mask (again) because I lost it while spellcasting ((fawn I was helping casted some spells back - you know the norm - and I lost connection with one of them on)).

So I just need someone to help me with getting one. I'm sitting next to the crying idol as a stag with an owl pelt and owl antlers. And yeah, I'm maskless because I got rid of the funky one I accidentally spawned with.

For reference, the Venetian Mask is this thing.

Image grabbed from here under the "Endless Carnival" tab. Not sure how to actually put a direct link to the tab since I think it's a part of the CSS instead of its own webpage.

{18+} How does this community feel about NSFW roleplayers?

This question has been nagging me ever since I read that one thread. However, I didn't (and still don't) want the discussion to target me.

At the moment, I don't care so I might as well say it before anxiety comes back.

Without beating around the bush, I want to know if it's okay for Pl ayers to do NSFW things with their deer ingame? And no, I don't mean having a fling with some random deer (that's dangerous imho), but with someone you genuinely know. Like a real life friend that you know is a mature adult and not some horny kid.

And just to add a little more detail, I'm aware that the actions are no-no in front of other deer. But is it okay if we do it in private or just cut th e jazz altogether? Sorry, I come from one too many servers that say "if you keep it out of sight it's okay".

I'm sure I'm not th e only roleplayers that does NSFW things on the side, so answering this may clear things up for other players. And no, I'm not referring to anyone specific.

And no, I'm not going to go posting or advertising NSFW things on the forums. That's just dumb (I kind of already broke that rule but I'm going to delete this thread after a few answers or so) imo.

If this is too inappropriate to even ask, I can delete this by request if any of you want. And no. I do not currently do this behavior in th eforest, because I don't know if its okay or not.
Also I'm not aware of exactly how big the number of kids are on here. So far I've seen a few people over 18 (I'm 19), so I'm assuming there's a fair number of adults or no?

Ill leave th e thread up for an hour or so unless someone says me to delete th is immediately.

Just Ignore This Please -Sorry-


A Few Questions about Body Language

I'm still having some trouble with learning the ropes of body language. Most of the time, I can pretty much tell what a player wants to tell me by either their body language (at least, when they're not combining gestures), or just intuition.

But there are a few things that I can't wrap my head around. For example, I often have deer come up and nuzzling me out of the blue, or just mooing right at my face. I would expect the latter from trolls/fawns, but I usually see stags do it -- and I can't help but notice that they're usually wearing the same pelt as my character whenever this happens. I'm not sure how to respond to these situations.

I think I have a SLIGHT idea of what's going on, but I'm not sure if I'm just simply misinterpreting something, or reading too much into things.

Also, I REALLY hate to ask this, but what does "mooing" typically do? I usually use the button to test out what kind of sounds my character is making ((different masks = different sounds)), but I usually summon the wrong sorts of people by accident (they usually chase me for awhile or try to fight me until I PRETEND to go AFK). Am I making some sort of battlecry or do I have some rotten luck? Because I always thought that calling meant "help me" or something, but with the people I've met...I don't know anymore.

Also I kind of need that thread that's the "Body language Guide/Manual" or something like that. I tried searching for it, but didn't turn up with anything, so could someone link me to it? I've been seeing a few people use REALLY complex gestures, and not sure what they mean (example: head tilt + bow, and many more.). I've read the thread before when I first joined, but forgot 90% of the stuff. XD

Sorry for long post, I just really want to knock out 2 or more birds with one stone with this post.

DotD pelt help? *SOLVED*


Hi friendos! I would like some help getting the Day of the Dead pelt. Sorry if it sounds like a tall order, given the time of year it is.

I'm a fawn with swan antlers hanging out at the Playground, just chilling on the biggest rock there. Thanks in advance!
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