News~ Avime+Isis= <3
Title- Snow Goddess
NickName- Bacon, Icie, Isy, Iss
Age-about 25 im guessing?
Set(S)- She Mainly Wears the Striped Set
Necklace- Her necklace represents the Moon, and Ice. She wears it everywere, and she will pass it on to a special deer when she passes...
Name Meaning- An Egyptian Goddess
Mate- Avime (OMG) XD
Family- Emiva (Step Sister), Lacy (Step Sister), Rowan (Step Sister), Knight (Brother), Vanity ( Immortal Sister), Fudgy (daughter)
Friends- Emiva, Danii, Tabithaaa, BlackWolf1141 (Inuyasha1141), Fledermaus, Blackhoof, Perplex, Darcy, Quad, Quamar, Patchimus, Martisol, Celticmystress, Rowan, Cato, Lacy (if i forgot you plz tell me)
History- She was born in another forest, on a snowy day and she was different, so her parents left her for the buzzards. A Stag took her to the Endless Forest, and cared for her until she was old enough to leave. She ventured through the forest, trying to find her purpose. She found her way to the Twin Gods statue, and they gave her the name Isis, The Snow Goddess. She grew up getting to know the local deer in the forest. She was exepted by most. Her eye color confused some people, she had the Brightest Blue eyes in the whole forest. The reason for this is becouse of her purpose, she is the Snow Goddess, whenever it snows, Isis stands on the bridge, and lets it fall....
Eye Color- Amber normally, but during snow they turn Ice Blue
Personality- Wise, Caring, Sometimes Dominent