SnowRift's blog

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Hey Witcher? Knight needs to talk with Fureur....

Hey Fureur... I hate to have to say this, but I dont think we should be mates any longer. We never talk or keep in touch, and I think I went waaay to fast with the whole mate thing...Im sorry, I hope to still be friends though!

Im not trying to make Drama at all, I've just been thinking about this lately, and I hope you agree Witcher. Seriously he doest want to hurt her feelings im sorry... Sad
Snowrift's picture

-Bongo's Bio-

Name ~ Bongo

Name Meaning ~ I named him Bongo, becouse he looks like a bongo!

Title ~ The Forest Antlelope

Age ~ in his Middle 40's

Picto ~ In Pic

Mate ~ Uninterested, unless there is an little old doe that would want to someday...who knows?

Friends ~ Martisol, Blackhoof (?), Some think he and Walter should be friends (old men friends XD)

Bongo Pelt
Fan Antlers
Real Deer Mask

Personality ~ he can be a bit of a grump sometimes. But otherwise, hes a nice old man. He "sorda" likes groups, but prefers being on his own. He will be aggresive towards stags sometimes, but is always polite around does

Likes ~ Being Alone. The Ruins

Dislikes ~ Fawns. Hopping around crazily

Favorite Place ~ The Ruins

Other :
He will run from fawns
He wont cast spells
He might be old but that doesnt mean hes weak

Fanarts ~ None Yet Sad
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Friends Forever *Keep Signing!!*

I was thinking About what Rowan said. And i remembered what I was gonna say. We are all friends, best friends, brothers, and sisters. I think we need to do something.... So Im posting this paper, and I want EVERYONE to sign it. So after its full, I will post it in the pictures page, and maybe Aruea(sp) and Micheal will post it on the first page! So that everyone that comes to the sight might see all our names, and know what a strong relationship we have! (dumb i know....)
We have a lot of signitures! JUST KEEP SIGNING PEOPLE! And dont sign the one on this post! Sign the one that was last posted so all the sigs are on there! Thankyou!

I underlined my name becouse i started it! XD (sign the last sheet posted up, no this one!)

Snowrift's picture

Among the Mist//Scared!

AMong the mist I stood, The wolves were all around me howling. After me they were, i ran. Ran until I couldnt run anymore.....

*hides behind Emrys* It was scary!

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A Poem By Melody// About Love


Love, a wonderous thing
Make you happy, filled with glee
But things can happen things can change
Make your mind rearrange
Make you think otherwise
Of the things wich had your eyes
Beauty is ones wich most stags wish
But the inside is is what they miss
Pretty Bows, and Red Roses
Glamorous Pose, and Glittered Noses
Love isnt the sight but the inside
Beautiful heart, Gorgeous Mind
Thats what counts, dont Improvise

I bumped this becouse I changed her Bio! I removed all of the beauty stuff becouse it kinda sounds...i dont know braggy? I guess this goes for all the does! Your all beautiful! XD
Snowrift's picture

Drama isnt good no mo!

I cause lots of drama dont I? XD Sorry that whole Atiq\Isis\Lacey thing was stupid... XD
I was all like HEY ATIQ ISIS SAW YOU IN THE FOREST TODAY WANNA BE HER MATE? *laughs* yes that was a bit cheesy! Anyways... I relized that FRIENDS ARE THE BESTEST MATES YOU CAN HAVE! it doesnt have to be like "in loooove" lol....Just wanted to say sorry... and If Melody finds someone she "likes" I will take it Slooooow and not be all like HEY WANNA BE MY MATE I LOVE YOU!

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Antler Vote for Melody!

Wich ones look best?


Or Pronghorn?

Please Vote!
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Isis Needs to have a Talk

With some of you...

Song to go with this- (please listen to it)

*limps up becouse she broke her hind leg while running*
Im sorry for my foolishness... I took a few chances, and let myself go. *winces in pain* But i have found my way of Living, I am no longer interested in having a mate, unless I somehow recover and fall in love again. I will probably not return to my whole normal self again. I will probably sometimes just start breaking out crying sometimes... But Im going to live my life to the fullest, I will stand up for myself now, I am not going to back up and let myself be stepped on ever again. I am stronger now, Im not a weakling, dont ever think that of me. If I ever sound angry, you know why. I was stupid to get involved in this drama this weekend, I broke others hearts, while breaking my own. I am sorry, very deeply sorry. This song will explain everything.... listen to it...please. *limps painfully away and sits in the Oak*

read this too please:

Yes I found her, She looked pitiful to. She was in a very eerie forest, asleep under a strange tree. She was bleeding and crying. I could tell she was having a bad dream. I awoke her and hugged her, i talked to her for a while, and we sorted everything out. I took her to a forest nurse, and they said her leg ws broken. She said she broke it while looking back at the forest she once lived happily in. She will be limping for a while... shes sorry to Cato and Lacey, and she wishes the best to the both of you....
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New Friends (please read) ;)

Hey guys! I justwa nted to talk about new friends....well i knida want to be in a different "group" like I want to branch out a littel ya know? So i was wondering if anyone I havent really met or talked to yet wants to hang out sometime, Id be glad to!

This isnt anything personal against Isis' friends. Melody just doesnt fit quiet in with that group, of course they will still be friends, just noot as much as Isis is! Eye LUV YOU ALL! ELLOOOO any responses XD

Welll this is parttly me, I kinda want to branch out a little on the site, and make some new friends. and of course keep the others!
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Questions for Rutti (YES >:)

LOL. Anyways... I dont want Melody to be related to my deer, or anyone their related to, so want to be Melody's brother? I should have put this in a topic Ihad already started, but I wanted you to see it! Dont worry if ya dont want to...I have a few otherpeople in just popped up first in my brain!

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