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The Diary of Seed 1-14-09

[=#006400] I awoke to a nearly empty forest. 21 and another deer were either helping echother find a pelt or they were playing with magic. I kind of didn't feel in the mood to play for long, so I went to where I saw Lemon sleeping.

There was another stag there, sitting next to her. I sat on the other side of the sleeping fawn from him, but he got up and left. After Lemon vanished, her friend came walking by. I walked over to him, and he started running. I like to run -- love to run -- so I ran, too. It occoured to me, after a time, that no matter how nicely I bowed the few moments I caught up to him, he did nothing to acknowledge me but start running again. Perhaps he was just a shy deer, or maybe he thought I was mean: I don't know. I don't think I did anything to offend him. After a few loops, with me realizing he may be taking me enjoying my favorite hobby as something agressive, I was in quite the foul mood. So I stopped, and went to do all of my usual "miserable and lonely" customs.

I got a drink. I had a snack. I had some more snacks. I went to my favorite thinking rock, sneezed off my flowers, and let the birds land on my bare antlers, their little claws clutching and pinching, the sounds of their lives soothing my soul. I fell asleep like that.
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sorry for my recent abscence: first I was on a small vacation, and then I Nightmare of Nightmares. Thbe first week is always stressful, but I think I'm about done stressing.
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A diary and an introduction

The Pictogram
Hail and well-met! I bet you were expecting Seed, right? Well, don't worry about that old pansy, he'll still be around (Perhaps, though, that is not the best way to speak of a stag who has taken one on as a father would a son? Regardless, I will not stay the feelings of my heart!)! Allow me to introduce myself! I am Sir Faris....Or I will be. I'm working on it. Honor, purity, and ferocity: those are the ideals of a knight! At present, however, I am just a fawn, but do not let that lull you into a false sense of security! I am always looking for a worthy opponent to spar! I'm even considering seeing if I can get another deer to participate in something I've been considering...I must test the idea out, I will update on that later.

So, then, to this day of rain. I was not long in my second excusion into the forest when I stumbled upon a fawn I knew to be an ally of Seed's, a little doe-fawn named Lemon. She was sitting on the birdge, and while I joined her for a time, I felt better standing, listening, and I resolved to be, for the moment, her vigilant protector! She slept there for a little while, before getting up. She ran: I, remembering my resolution, decided to follow. She ran to meet another fawn, and the two of them, with me still following, ran to go play with some stags I had seen before. We did some dancing, which was rather fun, particularly when Lemon, the dark blue stag, and I were flipping as we danced.
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Seed's Poetry Corner: Two For Christmas

I know it's been a very short time since the last poem, but...well...the snow and the music was just so nice that I had to write something. I'm not too sure on the second one, though: Villanelles are hard...Extra Nuzzles if you can guess the first poem's form: I've used it before... does anyone read these, or is my audience basically me?


Sitting in the falling snow,
I watch the horizon fade to white.
And there's a silence I only know
when sitting in the falling snow.
It falls around me, feathery-slow --
shimmering around me in the light
as I sit in the falling snow,
watching the horizon fade to white.

Reverberant Refrain

To everything a different song,
for the dream and for the dance:
The whistle of flutes, the tones of a gong

We dance in groups, a teeming throng
In circles or lines if we get the chance
To make a different song

We hear it if we dream too long,
music from inside our trance:
the whistle of flutes, the tones of a gong.

We hear it coming, strange and strong
and to the twin gods' hill we glance:
Everyone hears that different song.

Oh, it's real, we're not wrong,
towards that hill we run and prance:
is that the whistle of flutes, the tones of a gong?

To remind us that we all belong,
It sounds across this great expanse:
For the snowy day a different song,
with the whistles of flutes and the tone of a gong.

((Gosh-darn you, Seed...How dare you make me write a villanelle... >:<
edit: oops, forgot to put in the Seed's Poetry corner bit))

Seed's Poetry Collection
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Seed's Poetry Corner: The Mushrooms

The Mushrooms

they rise like bread
full of old, earthy smells
they rise one by one,
devouring the trees.
They rise great and small
as tasty snacks or high perches
They rise bright red
but turn out white below
They rise strong
and wilt within a day

Seed's Poetry Collection
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The Diary of Seed, 12-24-08

This is not a true and proper entry: I could say more, about the beauty of falling snow or the events of the day, or the smell of mushrooms. I could. But I feel just like...letting my heart ramble.

I was happy to see Walter again. Our relationship is/was sometimes very temptuous, but in its own way, it is/was also very sincerely caring. I like to think so, anyway. I never quite knew where I stood with Walter: some days he was angry at me, or jealous, and sometimes he was overbearingly affectionate. Overall, the emotional climate was both warm and stormy, like a tropic sea. I was never wholly clear on how I felt: a little like his sidekick, a little like it was my job to get him to behave just a little, a little like a close friend, and a little like a fawn playing beside a great statue. Perhaps it was because Walter is/was so forthrite and so dramatic that he often became/becomes difficult to understand: that is itself both frustrating and amusing at the same time, which is exactly right. Even if I was a little frustrated, for reasons more mine than his, I was -- on the whole -- happy to see him. and wistful-sad-nostalgic, too.

I was also happy to see him and 21 together. There's something about watching the two of them that's special: a feeling of intense connection, of something... You know the feeling you get when you see golden sunlight pouring through a rain so fine it's almost mist, or when a flight of white birds, thick as a cloud, takes flight in unison, or that of finding the first leaf of spring uncurling, that transluscent green, all soft and moist and vulnerable? and the world is holding its breath, because that moment right there is somehow magical and rare and...special. Complete without being total, pure without simplicity. That's the feeling I get watching those two, when Walter's feelings become crystal-clear and everything has that special feeling to it. I was very happy to see that.
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The Diary of Seed, 12-21,22-08

[=#006400] I have a little bit to say about the day before yeasterday, though I am aware the entry will be a little lacking.

I did get some work on the Forest production of Little Red Riding Hood, at long last: Noortis and I scouted out a few locations that we liked, so that, at least, is settled. I met a new fawn (her name, as I understand it, is Nara) who seems...particularly familiar. I showed her around the forest a bit, and ran into Lemon and 21, as well as a few other deer. It was rather fun, having a few fawns around, all innocent and wide-eyed, that fresh 'new fawn' smell lingering after them as they hop eagerly about...There's just something about watching fawns that makes me feel all warm and complete. I guess I'm feeling a little paternal.

The next day was a rather busy day: when I woke up, I found a group of deer sitting by the pond. It turns out that it was one of the deer's, a stag by the name of Ialu, stagday, though I was unaware at the time. I sat with them, until the new stag fell asleep: at which point, his brother and I did use him to cast some spells (and as a chair ^^). When he woke up, we formed a conga line, with Lemon, another fawn, and another stag joining in at its longest.
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Seed's Poetry Corner: The Peace of the Pond

I started this yesterday, but only finished this tonight. I think it's finished, anyway: there may be a missing haiku in this series, I'm not 100% sure.

The Peace of the Pond

The water shimmers
Beneath a high, distant sun,
A bright sapphire.

Frogs march along shores,
Leaping in and out of reeds,
Hiding in shallows.

In the honey-light
Deer rest, alone or in pairs,
Circled 'round their jewel.

Seed's Poetry Collection
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The Diary of Seed, 12-20-08

I awaken from my long slumber...and I awaken slightly confused. I had this dream, you see: I dreamt...I dreamt I was a butterfly. But then I woke up, and I was a tree that grew among purple flowers, who had dreamt it was a butterfly. Or, perhaps, that I was a butterfly, dreaming I was a tree. And then I woke up again, and was a deer: or am I butterfly, dreaming he is a tree dreaming he is a deer? Or some combination of the above? ...I miss just dreaming about other deer playing. Other deer playing is such a simple dream.

So, then, I awaken! The first thing I saw when I woke up was Vala...who ended up leading me back to the bridge, even though I had just come from the bridge. We danced there for a while, joined by another deer. I was still kind of asleep...but a while later, I ended up being near Quamar (if I recall, I was helping a deer with some spells at the time). We then proceeded to do what we do nearly every time we run into eachother: have a nonsense contest. It went rather well; some other deer kinda hung around and it felt like we were putting on a show, and they were our audience.

So, I napped some, woke up, did a little running around, went back to sleep, and woke up: I admit, I enjoy to take activity in spurts: my joint pain is a little worse than it was before, and I admit that I'm kind of dizzy, kind of groggy. I wouldn't say I'm getting old; it's much more likely that I was alseep for far too long, and that that wasn't very good for me.
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*clears throat uneasily*

Let me start off by saying that I missed you guys, and I'm sooo sorry for my abscence.

Let me continue by saying that this is reall uncomfortable for me, and involves confronting a bizzare, deep-set phobia I have that people from communities I slip out of are all really angry at me and never want to see me again, except maybe to yell at me. A lot.

OK, so those of you who know me, I hope, have been wondering where I've been. The truth is...No where special. Just first semester of college. And yes, it was pretty stressful...but that really didn't have a lot to do with my abscence. I was having computer troubles, which then just kind of became a habit. By the time I started really missing the Endless Forest a lot, I was too afraid (both of "I totally deserve this" smiting and of massive community change) to actually do anything about it. It was sometime this morning that I told myself to stop being such a pansy, and that the people I would be interested in coming back for would probably forgive me...right? ...right?

So....Yeah. If anyone wants to give me some updates as to what's been going on, that'd be nice, but you know, no one has to...umm...I'm very, very sorry. I'm spending this entire post with the acute desire to go and hide in a hole somewhere, if that helps.

((Yes, I am aware my feelings are, more likely than not, irrational, and hopefully contrary to reality. I can't help it. I'm not even sure where this started.))
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