The Diary of Seed, 12-20-08

Seed's picture

I awaken from my long slumber...and I awaken slightly confused. I had this dream, you see: I dreamt...I dreamt I was a butterfly. But then I woke up, and I was a tree that grew among purple flowers, who had dreamt it was a butterfly. Or, perhaps, that I was a butterfly, dreaming I was a tree. And then I woke up again, and was a deer: or am I butterfly, dreaming he is a tree dreaming he is a deer? Or some combination of the above? ...I miss just dreaming about other deer playing. Other deer playing is such a simple dream.

So, then, I awaken! The first thing I saw when I woke up was Vala...who ended up leading me back to the bridge, even though I had just come from the bridge. We danced there for a while, joined by another deer. I was still kind of asleep...but a while later, I ended up being near Quamar (if I recall, I was helping a deer with some spells at the time). We then proceeded to do what we do nearly every time we run into eachother: have a nonsense contest. It went rather well; some other deer kinda hung around and it felt like we were putting on a show, and they were our audience.

So, I napped some, woke up, did a little running around, went back to sleep, and woke up: I admit, I enjoy to take activity in spurts: my joint pain is a little worse than it was before, and I admit that I'm kind of dizzy, kind of groggy. I wouldn't say I'm getting old; it's much more likely that I was alseep for far too long, and that that wasn't very good for me.

Anyway, so I was thinking I would get to work on a new project: a few other deer and I are attempting to arrange a theatrical performance in the forest! I thought it would be a good idea to find some good places to use as settings...but before I could get very far, I ran into 21 and another deer (21 was wearing the divine pelt the whole time. I admit: I was rather worried at first she was going to cast it, but it was a permenant model, apparently without casting power -- or just a lack of desire on her part. I counted myself lucky.). We ended up dancing in the purple flowers, and forming a small dance line.

After a while with that, I was going to go and take a break -- I really was, I had said my goodbyes and everything...Except that, at the corner of my eye, I saw Scape coming. And, well, there went that plan! It was very nice to see him again, and I could tell he missed me. I seperated from 21 and her friend at that point: it was time for some Best Friends time, if there ever was such a thing. We began with the basics: hopping and running like morons through the forest, and some air-sitting: my aim is no better than ever.

Then we ran into Quad, and...well...ended up dancing. And 21 and her friend came. and more deer came. And it mutated, first from a dance circle and then to a mighty dance line! We were a wall of deer, stretching wide, each of us rearing in the triumph of our dance, trying desperately and without success to do so in unison! It was a very impressive line.

After that, it was definately time for a break for me. Scape and I sat together for a while, looking out at the lake. I watched the other deer, dozing and resting in the warm light of the sun, the lake gleaming like the innocence in the eyes of a fawn, smooth and clear as fresh-blown glass. I began to write a few haiku about it, but I didn't produce enough to make a proper poetry entry out of them: I'll wait and add the ending later. I also captured what I thought was a rather nice image: plain, yes, but I think it's not a bad picture: This, too, will be put up seperately: it's much too large for a diary entry.

Well, after our little break, I tried to do some water-walking...only to have my joint issues get in the way, sending me splattering. I eventually got my knack back, but not before Scape jumped in after me: we were both, while soaked, completely clean, down to our sets. We goofed off in the water for a while after that, splashing and pretending to drown and transforming into frogs when we swam.

Well, then it was about time to get our sets back -- and I've got to say, Scape had a much easier time of it! It was as if the Twin Gods smiled upon his hopes of recovering his set: we got his mask on the first try, and his pelt could not have been more than the 3rd try. It took me a while to get my pelt and mask back, and not long after I did...well....during the period of post-set-retrieval running around purposelessly (just the way I like it ^^), I ended up tripping and collapsing into the blackness. I managed to get back on my feet and running some more with Scape before I had to sleep in earnest. All in all, a very good day.

((Today was fun...also, this diary entry taught me more of how Seed would term my computer difficulties, which is neat.))
Pegasicorn's picture

I love that synchronized

I love that synchronized jumping shot. Laughing out loud Almost like they're doing the can-can.

The Dragonfly Deer's Biography
Seed's picture

I like most of the shots I

I like most of the shots I put up here, but that one's one of my favorites. that and the nekkid deer shot at the bottom.

The Biography of Seed
a unicorn roleplay site.
Check it out.
Pegasicorn's picture


Nekkiiiiiid.. XD

...streakers! o.o *gasp*

The Dragonfly Deer's Biography
Seed's picture

...hmm...this sounds like a

...hmm...this sounds like a silly new activity waiting to blossom....

The Biography of Seed
a unicorn roleplay site.
Check it out.
Pegasicorn's picture

Oh wait. We had Bland Day a

Oh wait. We had Bland Day a few weeks ago! Everyone arrived in their sets, but on cue jumped in the pond. Laughing out loud Sadly I missed it.

The Dragonfly Deer's Biography
quadraptor's picture

Dancing is very contagious!

Dancing is very contagious! Eye Eye

Actually I was suprised to see you in the Forest again! Quad was very happy to dance with you guys! Laughing out loud

The Divine Trilogy
Seed's picture

Dancing is apparently VERY

Dancing is apparently VERY contagious. It fever.

That sounded fun...
This does not mean that wouldn't be a fun hobby, running nekkid through the forest every now and again. I have no idea what would make that more fun than regular running, but...nekkid is somehow fun.

The Biography of Seed
a unicorn roleplay site.
Check it out.
Pegasicorn's picture

I just realized something.

I just realized something. Fawns streak all the time. Shocked Laughing out loud

The Dragonfly Deer's Biography
Seed's picture

By jove, you're right! fawns

By jove, you're right! fawns are a bunch of nudists!...for the moral good of the community, we must do something!

Seed: Weren't you just saying that nudity is fun?

Only when it's adults, aware that they should be ashamed.

The Biography of Seed
a unicorn roleplay site.
Check it out.
Pegasicorn's picture

Pardon me as I die laughing

Pardon me as I die laughing now.... XDDDD
Scape: .... O.o

The Dragonfly Deer's Biography
Sluggs's picture

OMG, A DIARY! And here's me


And here's me thinking they were dead!

Welcome back, Seed!

Seed's picture

Someone has to keep up the

Someone has to keep up the old ways ^^

And thanks -- it's good to be back.

The Biography of Seed
a unicorn roleplay site.
Check it out.