February 17, 2010 - 9:23pm — quaesting
I hate to post this, especially after seeing a lot of other people with comp. troubles. Partly I haven't been around lately because life has just been busy. Part of life being busy is that we've been mentoring a foster kid. I allowed foster kid to use the computer, and she downloaded iTunes, which I said was okay, but she also downloaded some other music sharing program that made trouble, and went on sites that caused my virus scanner to spazz repeatedly.
TEF has never run well on my comp, and now it takes ten minutes to load and freezes before I even get my deer to stand up. If anybody's been wondering over the appearing/disappearing magpie pelt deer sleeping by the crying idol, that's just me beating my computer.
I'm not sure what it's going to take to fix this, so I guess consider this a kind of absence warning. I'd really love to play, but... yeah. Still intermittently around the forum thing here, just not in game. *waves and beats computer more*
January 31, 2010 - 2:31am — quaesting
I took as many screencaps as I could, but I missed a perfect shot of massive lightning crackling all over the screen. If I vanished suddenly mid-dance, that's because my program crashed, sorry guys, but it was awesome running into Faeron and 21 again!
January 30, 2010 - 11:48pm — quaesting
Sorry if this is a little random, but is there some magical trick to changing your icon? I'm pretty sure I managed it once... but no amount of deleting the old, deleting and going away from the edit page, deleting and going off site and returning to upload, muttering profanities etc. seems to work today. I'd love to have an icon where he's not still a fawn...
January 23, 2010 - 5:28am — quaesting
The world seems made for dancing.

Animated! Terp by Density
Still haven't found the duck.
January 14, 2010 - 10:22pm — quaesting
So! Today is Terpsichore's first day as an adult! I'm... also in danger of losing my one professional client because I can't afford the right computer software. Anyone want to make me feel better? Spellspam Terp so I can get him some adult pelts and it'll be a happy distraction while I wait for potentially bad news! I've got him hanging out around the pond, since there's a magic antler tree around there...
Edit: I'd love to know who my buddy with the magpie? pelt and birdmask, purple flowers in the antlers is! My comp is glitching so that there's no picto, just a glowing spot...
January 13, 2010 - 4:49am — quaesting
Maybe I'm just being impatient, but according to my account info I've been on here 4 weeks and 1 day, and I'm still a fawn... I don't remember the exact date I started playing the game but it seems like Terpsichore should grow up any day now. Is there something specific I have to do, or should I just be able to log in one day soon and poof he'll be grown up?
Edit: So, neeevermind. Dajhi is brilliant and it looks like Terpsichore's got two days of fawndom left.
January 4, 2010 - 7:40pm — quaesting
I've got a short while left before my fawn grows up, and I'm deciding on his final design, but I've looked over the pelt selectors posted here, and seen the adult deer, and run around the forest... I've had a lot of pelts cast on my fawn, and most of them I recognize on adult deer, but not all! My fawn has been turned purple, blue-on-blue stripes (Not the blue with gold pelt), and also a gorgeous reddish with blue spirals, as near as I can tell. I've had these pelts cast on my fawn repeatedly, yet I've never once seen those pelts appear on an adult deer. Are these fawn-only pelts or are they special? I'd just like to know what the story is on these, especially since I like that last one I described.
I can add screencaps for clarification if requested.
January 1, 2010 - 1:29am — quaesting
Hey guys, I feel weird asking this when I'm still a newbie fawn, but I could really use some New Year's Luck or something. I just finished my second Christmas in a row jobless, today my car door got broken in such a way that it can't be closed (which is lots of fun when we're about to get sleet) and knowing that our celebration this year consists of sitting at home I was really looking forward to the cool stuff on TEF tonight.
Unfortunately the awesome is apparently too much for my hand-me-down computer to handle, and I can barely get the game to run. It took me about 45 minutes and some restarts to get it to run, and now the controls aren't really responding so my fawn stands around not interacting while I click frantically.
Send me some good wishes and luck, please? I'd really like to be part of the celebrations... and please forgive if you come up to my fawn and he just stands around doing nothing...
December 28, 2009 - 3:09am — quaesting
December 20, 2009 - 10:07pm — quaesting
Since I've seen a lot of player bios up here, and I'm relatively new, I thought I'd give it a go. No shiny pretty images for now, sorry, just some basic information.