QuadRaptor's blog

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She ditched us!

Laruna and I were watching Auriea sleep just now! We waited for a long time to see if she'd say hey to us, and we kept calling out to everyone else but noone would come (too busy hanging around BZD I think).

And then Auriea disappeared! I wish she would have at least gotten up and looked at us before leaving. :<
quadraptor's picture

Stupid impulsive buying...

I feel kinda dumb today. Have you ever bought something thinking it was going to be really cool and then finding out you were really too old for it?

I did some early Christmas shopping and bought some things for my family. I got myself a couple of them as well because they were something I liked (and I'm a pack rat).

So I go home, try it out, and it ends up being something that's really only for kids.

I'm 22, the youngest of my family, and I bought one of these things for each of my family members, including my parents.

Is it a huge deal? Should I just not worry about it and see if they like it anyway? I mean the thing for kids is really optional, they don't even have to do it, but still I kinda paid a lot of money for these things not to really appeal to my age and older.

I dunno...I'm kinda bummed...

Edit Okay yeah, I bought some webkinz. I got myself the deer and reindeer (obviously), and I got my mom one of the dogs (looks kinda like my dachshund), my dad an elephant (University of Alabama fan), and my brother a black cat (cause he likes cats).

My plan this year was to just do gift cards, but I was going to buy each of them like five giftcards to places they like. So I wanted to bundle them all up with something. I was going to make stuff, but then I thought about those things and was like, "That could work, I guess."

So I bought five of them - the two deer for me and the others for them. I put in the code for one of the deer and it basically was Neopets all over again...

I mean if that's the reason why they were so expensive then I feel like I wasted my money. I spent $60 on the things.


I guess it will work...and I have two new deer plushes to add to my collection, but I wish I would have known what the website thing was like before I bought them. I could have done something cheaper, you know.
quadraptor's picture

100 Q's *armflails!*

01] What is your pen name?
QuadRaptor I suppose. I have a few others.

02] How did you get the name?
It came from Quake, after a powerup called Quad Damage and my favorite dinosaur.

03] Do you use PC or Mac?
PC for life!

04] What software do you use most often?
Microsoft Word

05] Do you use mouse, or tablet?

06] The color you use most often is?

07] What area of the pictures do you put most effort into?
Shading the body.

08] How long does it take you do draw a picture?
Maybe 20 minutes

09] Do you keep your rough drafts?

10] What kind of font do you use most often?
Quake Font

11] What's the dpi when you scan?
No clue

12] Do you do anything else when you're drawing pictures?
Chat with my friends

13] How many pictures do you draw in a month?
Lol maybe one or two

14] What kind of paper do you draw your pictures on?
Computer paper

15] What kind of paper do you use for sketches and drafts?
None, I don't really do sketches or drafts

16] How long does it take to ink something?
Not long

17] Do you do doujinshi or original manga?

18] Do you like doujinshi? Is it fun making it?
No clue

19] Ever submitted anything to a magazine?

20] Did it get published?

21] Who are your favorite artists?
Claude Monet is my favorite

22] What's your favorite Anime/Manga?
One Piece

23] Favorite Characters?
Luffy and Chopper XD

24] Any artists that you'd like to draw like?
Both of my brothers. Their art is amazing.

25] Do you buy books a lot?
On occasion

26] Did you ever buy a book to inspire you to draw?
Not really

27] Any video games you enjoy?
Lots. Ace Combat, Gears of War, Quake, Rock Band, All of the Final Fantasies, Kingdom Hearts, Duel Masters, All of the Metroids...and many many others

28] Any favorite characters from video games?
SAMUS! Umm...Wakka from FFX, Sabin from FFIII, and pretty much everyone on KH.
quadraptor's picture

Preview of a Potential New Story

Hey guys, if you read this topic, I've been wanting to write a new story but wasn't sure what direction to go.

Anyway, this is a little segment of a story I may write using Mazey's suggestion. I think I have some neat ideas for this one. In any event, enjoy, and comments are greatly appreciated! Eye

Working titles:
"Written on the Wind"

I do want to ask, though...what would everyone think if this was made into the 4th "Divine" story? So the Divine Trilogy would really be a...QUADRILOGY! But it would have to be the last one.

Well, if I did that, then it would be another story to add to my book-in-the-works. I really don't have the funds to make that just yet, soo...

I'll make a topic about this shortly.


The blizzard picked up, snowflakes striking Zephyr's fur as she treaded on. Her limbs were numb from walking and the cold. The snow pelted her mask, melting into water and seeping on her face. She shook the water from her head and pressed on, her eyes completely closed now. She blindly took each step, losing herself with each passing moment until her mask collided with something solid.

The doe weakly opened an eye to find a rock wall before her. She was temporarily protected by the howling winds and snow, but she continued to shiver. It wasn't enough to save her, and she kept walking.
quadraptor's picture

Arrrgghhhh I want to WRITE!!

This sucks! I've been wanting to write a new story ever since I finished Divine Protection!!

Argh, but I can't come up with a plot. I have a few ideas but no plot!!

- Zephyr discovering her potential as the next Grand Talux and going on a journey
- Pent's first days in the Forest and/or his coming of age (would probably be kind of Bambi-ish)
- Maybe a bonus story about Quad (could be anything, probably unrelated to the Divine Trilogy)
- Maybe some short stories about some of the other deer from TEF?

XD anyone have any ideas? I really badly want to write some more!!

I think I've got a good story in the works with Mazey's idea, though it would need to be thought out first before I start writing. Expect to see a preview real soon. I'd still like some ideas, if anyone has any. Eye
quadraptor's picture

The Divine Trilogy Index

(Techically it's the Divine Quadilogy, but for linking purposes I will leave it as is. If anyone from Stagleaf is looking, please rename the link on your blog "Divine Quadilogy" instead of "Divine Trilogy")

I checked each chapter and they're all still here. I will back these up soon.

Divine Intervention - Chapter 1
Divine Intervention - Chapter 2
Divine Intervention - Chapter 3
Divine Intervention - Chapter 4
Divine Intervention - Chapter 5
Divine Intervention - Chapter 6
Divine Intervention - Epilogue


Divine Abandonment - Chapter 1
Divine Abandonment - Chapter 2
Divine Abandonment - Chapter 3
Divine Abandonment - Chapter 4
Divine Abandonment - Chapter 5

Divine Abandonment - Chapter 6

Divine Abandonment - Epilogue

quadraptor's picture


This sounded like fun so I wanted to try it.

[] the dark
[] staying single forever
[x] being a parent ((Eh kinda))
[] giving birth
[] being myself in front of others
[] open spaces
[] closed spaces
[] heights
[x] dogs ((Only big dogs because I'm afraid of them mauling me))
[] birds
[] fish
[x] spiders ((Just a little))
[] flowers or other plants

Total: 3

[] being touched
[] fire
[] deep water
[] snakes
[] silk
[] the ocean
[] failure
[] success
[x] thunder/lightning ((only when I'm taking a bath or shower, afraid of getting shocked))
[] frogs/toads
[] my boyfriends/girlfriends dad
[] boyfriends/girlfriends mom
[] rats
[] jumping from high places
[] snow

Total: 1

[] rain
[] wind
[] crossing hanging bridges
[x] death ((I suppose more of the process of dying than actually being dead))
[] heaven
[x] being robbed ((Definately. I'm protective of my stuff))
[] falling
[x] clowns ((Just a little. They creep me out more than they scare me))
[] dolls
[] large crowds of people
[] men
[] women
[] having great responsibilities
[] doctors, including dentists
[] tornadoes

Total: 3

[] hurricanes
[] incurable diseases
[] sharks
[] Friday the 13th
[] ghosts
[] poverty
[] Halloween
[] school
[] trains
[] odd numbers
[] even numbers
[] being alone
[x] becoming blind ((Yeah, a little))
[x] becoming deaf ((There's a good chance that I will be in my future because of my hearing loss))
[] growing up

Total: 2

[x] creepy noises in the night ((Mmhmm))
[x] bee stings ((Definately))
[] not accomplishing my dreams/goals
[] needles ((Used to be but after being a blood donor I got over this fear))
[] blood
[] dinosaurs
[] the welcome mat
[] high speed
[] throwing up
[] falling in love
[] super secrets

Total: 2

Final total: 9

Fearless...though I just listed 9 fears up there. *shrug*

If you get more than 30, I strongly recommend some counseling
quadraptor's picture

Divine Protection - Epilogue

"He wanted it this way...", Laruna said. Six deer stood around the stag's body, all looking down on him. Emiva couldn't help but sob, and Quamar looked to her, "Remember what he said. He didn't want any of us to cry." "'Live your life every day with your head high.' I'll never forget those words...", Jen said.

Emiva shook her head, "Why? Why did he have to die like this?", she asked. "I guess...", Laruna began, "There wasn't anything else he had to do." The stag lifted his head, "I can't help but remember the first time we met. He was wearing a set just like mine, and he said 'You're a future me!'", he added. Darcy looked to Laruna, "Do you know what...I remember the first day I saw him. He was a young fawn with these distinct eyes, and...", he hesitated when he looked around, "...you know, just over there was the first place I met him at, near the river."

"How long ago was that?", Quamar asked. Darcy gave it some thought, his eyes suddenly looking back at Quad's body, "One year...exactly one year...today would have been his birthday."

Kana was there as well, who shook her head, "I had just talked to him before this happened. I can't believe he's gone.", she said. Jen nudged her, "It's nothing you did." "I know...", Kana sighed.

At that moment, Quad's body began to glow a bright red. "What's going on?", Quamar asked. The others were too shocked to reply, as slowly he began to disappear as specks of red light floated into the air and gathered into one orb. There were two other orbs there - a blue one and a green one, each representing one of his parents.

The four orbs began to ascend into the air. The deer looked up at them. "Where will he go?", Kana asked. "I suppose the Twin Gods will give him a new life somewhere...", Darcy replied.
quadraptor's picture

Divine Protection - Chapter 6

"Good morning!", Axie said with a smile on his face.

The other three - Mazey, Zephyr, and Quad - woke up, shaking some of the fallen leaves from their fur before standing and stretching. Quad had decided to sleep with them at the Crying Idol instead of his old pillar at the Ruins ever since the day he had wings. "Today's the big day!", Axie exclaimed.

"I bet you're excited.", Mazey replied, and the fawn shook his head eagerly. "Dad, can we go to the pond real quick?", Zephyr asked. Quad nodded, "As always.", he said. As the father and daughter made their way to the pond, Mazey started grooming her son. "Mom! My stag day is coming up, I can take care of myself!", Axie cried. "I know," Mazey replied, "but you don't want to look messy before you leave."

Quad and Zephyr drank the pond water, both almost looking like the same deer if it wasn't for their different antlers. Zephyr had taken up many of her father's qualities, and she couldn't have been happier to be his daughter. "So did you ever think about asking the Twin Gods if you could fly...?", she began, but caught herself. She wasn't supposed to talk about it. Quad eyed her as he drank. They were lucky no one else was around to hear it.

"Sorry.", she whispered, and the father smiled slightly, "It's okay...and yes, I have." Zephyr's face brightened, and she began to wonder if she and Axie would have wings.

The sun was just over the treetops on the particularly beautiful mid-October day. The air was beginning to cool, and the deer loved how the Forest was changing to fit the season. It had been a few weeks since the day Quad had the wings, and none of the deer suspected anything happened other than the fact that they had pleasant dreams.
quadraptor's picture

I need a vote... (Divine Protection related)

Is it too early to write the next chapter of Divine Protection...or possibly finish it off?

Chapter 6 and the Epilogue are going to be short chapters, and I've just about got all of the slots filled to finish them.

But the question arises if it's too early to finish the series off. I know once I get done with them I can start working on setting up the book, which I do plan to do, but...

...I guess I'm going to be really sad finishing the series. I had a lot of fun writing them and from what I can tell those who read them enjoyed them. What do you guys think? Should I hold off for just a little bit before continuing, or is it about time for the story to be finished?
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