July 8, 2013 - 3:36am — NaturesCandy
I am a golden doe. Peacock feather and a mask make me a very odd deer. I even get mistaken! everybody loves how friendly and sweet i am although im very shy. I always love hanging with the herd and getting a nice cool drink. im always doing favors and making new friends. I have 2 very sweet fawns, one named Bluebell and another girl named Brownie cause of her dark brown pelt. My name is Fernfear and I ive in the ruins, always sleeping in front of a tombstone. I adopted the 2 fawns cause they said they lost their parents to a wolf. I took them with me and cared for them on my own. They were practicly newborns, only 3 days old. They were sweet little fawns but mischievious. I love playing games with them and hugging them every night. whenever i hear a wolf, i tell my fawns, just a normal dog and hide in the big oak. I lost my old mate in a wild fire and survived cause i was standing in the pond. I was devastated. I cried for days. Im still looking for someone even sweeter and better. Young too since im a young doe. you can meet me everyday in the pond and say hi. I wont mind. Anyone can ask to meet me in the forest. i may be shy, but i love new friends
July 8, 2013 - 2:24am — NaturesCandy
Is there some way i can look like a doe or at least close? Im a girl in reality so maybe i can show that through the forest. I just feel id be more like me. thnx for any tips!
July 8, 2013 - 1:17am — NaturesCandy
FOR BOYS:You see a lonely beautiful, peacock deer coming your way. Shes smiling and looks interested in you.
FOR GIRLS: you see a handsome young buck walking your way. He looks at you and smiles. Hes got huge antlers too. You stare in wonder.
October 21, 2012 - 9:16pm — NaturesCandy
I was wandering around in the ruins and eating mushrooms when i met a beautiful doe. We played with eachother for a long time and she had a gorgeous pelt. She had blue antlers and candles on them and a purple mask. Maybe she's my doe but probably not. She already has a mate. I am still looking for the perfect one.