September 5, 2009 - 3:56pm — lois
A black and white fawn ran through the bridge looking very filthy. Whisper was playing with her friend Cougar the grey fawn who was also looking really dirty. Whisper acciently ran into her mother Cheech who was drinking water at the pond. "Whisper, look at the state of you! Same goes for you, Cougar!" Cheech remarked.
"Sorry, Mum. We were just the mud", trembled Whisper.
"In the mud?" Cheech gasped. "That's it! You two are having a bath!" Whisper and Cougar groaned. Both hated bathes because they hated getting wet! When their bath was over, Whisper and Cougar went to the Birch forest for a talk.
"You're mum really is acting like a mother!" joked Cougar.
"She is a mum", Whisper said, not getting Cougar's joke. Cougar laughed. "No. I mean that...let's say your mum gave us a bath it's so...motherly..." Whisper got confused. She knew there was no such word as 'motherly'. Suddenly, there was a voice. "Whatya guys doin'?" it asked. It was Whisper's big sister, Rain.
"Sis!" Whisper yelled.
"Hiya!" Rain said. "So... whatya doin' standin' 'ere at the Birch forest?"
"Just talking", Cougar answered, "nothin' interesting".
"Oh. But it MUST be!" Rain added
"Ok, sis. Thanks for your friendly talk but me and Cougar want to be alone so ur... CAN YOU LEAVE US ALONE?!" Whisper yelled.
"OK, OK", Rain breathed, "I'll go. See ya'll late-er!" Then she ran off.
Whisper and Cougar then saw some deer playing in the Playground. They were playing football. "Can we play?" Whisper asked the fawns when they went up to them.
"Sure", said one of the fawns, "you can be one of the players".
"Ok-ay..." Cougar shrugged. When the fawns were playing football. One of the fawns kicked the ball to Whisper. Whisper was nervous.
"Whis-per!" cried one of the fawns. But it was too late! Whisper kicked the ball to the goal-keeper. The goal-keeper missed the ball! Most of the players cheered (who didn't cheer was the ones who weren't on Whisper's team).
"Wow, Whisper!" Cougar smiled. Whisper smiled back.
Whisper and Cougar went back home. When Cougar waved Whisper good-bye and ran to his home, Whisper went to Cheech. "Hi, Mum", she said.
"There you are, Whisper!" Cheech yelled. "Where were you?" she asked.
"Well, me and Cougar went to the Birch forest, then we saw Rain, then we got her go leave us alone, then we went to a football game and I made my team won then we came back here", Whisper said.
"What a nice adventure, c'mon we're having dinner. It's now a family dinner so your father is in it too". So Whisper, Cheech her father Sparrow, Rain and her little sister Astra all had a nice dinner.