I don't think I saw a fawn today...
Clearly this was no such thing
Some deer howl, I've heard one neigh...
But neither of these, did this fawn say
She wasn't gold and covered with white spots
And no, she did not have a spell
Her hooves were large
And so was she
Oh yes, I'm sure, not a mini
She had odd ears,
And chased butterflies
And she feared the magic...
What sort of fawn....
So, I believe this strange young creature is a fawn
Oh yes, I'll keep watch on her now
Whatever she is, she will not tell me
All she speaks of is a 'cow and a calf'
I think I'll call her Ti bèf
If she thinks she's a calf
Speak only when spoken to
Forgive always, greet always
Bow and always show respect
And kindness will be passed to you
And give it freely little ones
Try and leap, over the hills
Your legs, strong they will grow
And when you are great and mighty
Come back and tell me your story
Read more? I worked really hard on this, and your feedback would be greatly appreciated
I know most of you guys don't care for words much, but it'd be nice if you gave it a shot at least :')
One great cord is thinning,
No one will hear it snap...
The great idol cries over him
Crystal clear tears over red fur
The baking heat
The glowing sun
You remind me of someone,
Not so far back,
I was a fawn
I was afraid
Oh, I remember
You are the great stag
The white one's lover
The guardian of the child, Ji
You're the one I find with the angel
And the one who loses his mask
Attacking, raging, unthinking...
I shall help you get it back
Pick up two peices of a broken cord
Put them back together again
Seal them off with hot wax
Let's hope they do not break
If I die young, bury me in satin
Lay me down on a, bed of roses
Sink me in the river, at dawn
Send me away with the words of a love song
Caution! Rant area...
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